Enrollment Information
2024 Dates and Details
August 6th – 16th
Special Enrollment Notice
For the 2024–25 Benefit Year
If you have elected health coverage during Annual Enrollment in August and you want to switch health insurance options ( PPO to HDHP or HDHP to PPO), you will have the ability to go through a Special Enrollment in late fall of 2024. If you switch plan options, the effective date of your new health coverage choice will be January 1st, 2025.
If you are currently enrolled in a Medical Flexible Spending Account, we will not be able to switch you from a PPO to an HDHP during this Special Enrollment.
Dates for this Special Enrollment will be announced this fall.
Help is Available
Over-the-Phone Support
Questions about enrollment or want someone to help walk you through the process? We have over-the-phone support available on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone support provided by seemybenefitsonline.com
Call 888-350-4209
Optional: Follow along on-screen
While you can call the above number and be helped without a screen in front of you, the support specialist will invite you to share their screen and follow along. Simply use the button below to enter the code that they provide.
In-Person Assistance
There will be in-person assistance at the following dates and times. All sessions take place in the lower level of the Steve Joel District Leadership Center (formerly District Office).
Additional Sessions
The Transportation Bus Barn will also have an additional sessions on Friday, August 9th from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and Thursday, August 15th from 11am to 1:30 p.m.
Provider Representatives Available
During the Enrollment Help Sessions (August 8th, August 10th, and August 14th), we will have representatives from Union Bank, Educators Health Alliance/BCBS, Assurity and Ameritas to answer questions regarding the Health Insurance Options, Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts, as well as the Critical Illness and Accident Insurance

Ready to Begin?
Check this list before you proceed
- Use the documentation to guide you
- Login to CORE via the LPS Portal