Teaching and Learning at LPS

Sarah Salem, Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning

Welcome to Lincoln Public Schools and the Instruction webpages.  I am Sarah Salem, Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning. I am proud to be part of a school district that is synonymous with a quality education and excellent programs.

Teaching and Learning works to ensure each student here has every opportunity to learn, grow and reach their full potential.

Teaching and Learning includes Curriculum and Instruction, Elementary and Secondary Education, and Library Services. Instruction oversees school improvement plans and staff development as well as assessment and evaluation.

In addition, Instruction coordinates curriculum and instruction for all our major subject areas at Lincoln Public Schools: Business, Character education, Career and Technical education, English and Reading, Family Consumer, Health and Physical education, Industrial Technology, Math, Music, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Visual Arts and World Language.

Our goal is to serve every classroom, every child, every day and we invite you to be our partner in learning for all children.


Sarah Salem, Ph.D.
Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
ssalem@lps.org | 402-436-1645

P.O. Box 82889
Lincoln, Nebraska 68501

State & Federal Education

Nebraska Department of Education
The department carries out its duties on behalf of Nebraska students in public, private, and nonpublic school systems. The staff of the department interacts with schools and institutions of higher education to develop, coordinate and improve educational programs.

United States Department of Education
The mission of the US Department of Education is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence for all Americans.

Community Curriculum Council

The Lincoln Public Schools Community Curriculum Council serves as a channel for direct communication between parent and community groups – and instructional leadership in our school district. Learn more