Teaching with Technology in LPS
Lincoln Public Schools believes technology extends the ability to establish, explore, and enhance connections that support learning essential to achievement, and increase productivity essential for greater effectiveness.
The goals of the LPS CLASS Plan (approved by the Board of Education in 2015) are:
- Student Learning: Improve learning for all students through engaging experiences that embed technology across all curricular areas.
- Effective Teaching: All educators embed technology in their daily practice to facilitate high levels of student engagement and learning.
- Support for Teaching & Learning: Technology is routinely used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative and instructional processes.
- Resources for Teaching & Learning: Align the deployment of sustainable resources with the district’s vision for student learning supported and accelerated by technology.

Policies and Regulations
The LPS Board of Education has a series of Regulations and Policies around the appropriate use of technology by staff members. Compliance with these rules is a very important part of securing the data and systems of Lincoln Public Schools.
If you want to know more, you can use the following links, or contact the District Information Security Office <iso@lps.org>.
Classroom Technology
The LPS CLASS Plan has created a consistent set of classroom technologies. In our Connected Classrooms learners can see, hear, and interact with curricular and instructional resources.
Most learning spaces in the district is configured with a projector, Apple TV, audio enhancement system, and a document camera that pair with the teacher laptop. Find support resources for these tools here.
Choosing Instructional Tech Tools
Teachers are busy and may not have the time needed to evaluate and make decisions. about which digital tools are safe, secure, and legal for use with students. Fortunately for you, there are folks at LPS who have started that process for you! Learn more about how to choose the appropriate tools for your instructional needs at the following resources:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
Teachers should know that AI is everywhere, and that students are using it in all kinds of ways. This includes cheating. It is the first technology since the creation of the Internet that touches everything we do. It has the potential to transform how we live, how we work, and how we teach.
If you are curious about AI through an LPS lens, please visit our web page on the topic.
Digital Citizenship Instruction
LPS feels compelled to do our part in creating good digital citizens. Each year in elementary classrooms, and in a number of required middle and high school courses, teachers take time to address the “digital citizenship” topics naturally intertwined in the regular curriculum. You can learn more at the following locations:
Use LPS Supported Tools
All content created by LPS staff should be created and stored in LPS supported tools.
Get Assistance
Have technical questions about any of the systems shown on this page?
More Information...
LPS Device Resources
Substitute Teachers
Technology Survival
Guide for Teachers
There are too many digital systems and tools to remember them all. We've gathered the most important ones together in one helpful place!
Teams & Personnel
Layers of support, at both the school and district level, are in place to help teachers remain effective educators throughout. These layers of support leverage the time and talents of a diverse group of leaders including:
- School Technology Leaders
- School Instructional and Technology Coaches
- School Librarians
- District Career and Technical Education
- District Computer Science
- District Computing Services
- District Library Media Services
- District Instructional Technology Tools Committee
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