Supporting your Learner
Connecting to Home Wi-Fi
LPS Chromebooks are able to connect to the Internet from wireless networks (Wi-Fi) at home or in public. To access the internet from a non-LPS network, the Chromebook must first authenticate to our filter. If the device does not authenticate to our filter it will run in “Offline Mode” and apps may not behave as expected.
This resource should help if you experience any issues connecting to Wi-Fi while away from LPS.
Printing from Chromebooks
Families may want to print from the student Chromebook. This resource from Google may be helpful.
NOTE: Printing from home is not supported by LPS Computing Services.
Technical Problems
Students may click the “StuHelp” button in the LPS Portal to enter a help ticket for any problem they are experiencing with their assigned Chromebook.
If you are attempting to troubleshoot a Chromebook problem at home, you might investigate the resources linked to from this resource: Chromebooks at Lincoln Public Schools.

Create a Learning Schedule & Space
Sustained periods of remote education are more successful when students have a routine to follow and a space in which to work and learn. As you consider how to support your child’s online learning, be clear about the time of day learning sessions will be held. Plan a schedule for your child to follow. Stick to as predictable a daily routine as possible. Don’t forget to include times for breaks and lunch. In addition to developing a daily learning schedule, it is important to identify an at-home learning space. Ideally, this space should have:
- The student’s assigned device (a Chromebook in most situations.)
- A power outlet for the device’s charger
- Appropriate seating
- Good lighting
A dedicated learning space for digital learning should ideally be located in a shared area of your home such as at the kitchen table, or a desk in a living room or family room. When your student’s learning space is separate from their bedroom and distanced from the television, it sets the expectation and tone that the space is for work and not play. Additionally, an online learning space in a shared area allows parents and guardians to readily support learning while also monitoring online activity.
Nothing disrupts a person’s ability to do work more than having to stop and find the materials and tools that are needed for the task. Most remote learning experiences don’t just require a device. Students who are learning virtually might also need have the materials and tools such as these available:
- Paper, pencils, and pens
- Calculator, ruler, compass, counters (e.g., dry beans), or other items to support math
- Textbooks, notebooks, and other necessary curriculum resources provided by your student’s teacher
Student Devices in LPS
LPS supports the implementation of digital curriculum and systems for learning by ensuring that students have persistent access to a computing device sufficient to access and leverage these resources. You can learn more about our “Connected Learning” plan here.
The device assigned to students in grades 2-12 is a Chromebook. Students in grades 6-12 take the device home with them each night. Students in grades 2-5 keep their device at school in normal circumstances, but may take them home in special circumstances determined by the District.
Students are expected to bring the device to school fully charged each day, while school is in session. Families should make their best effort to take good care of the device, including keeping it safe when not in use, protecting the screen from scratches or cracks, and using the device only for appropriate academic use. Families of students in 6-12th grades may participate in our Chromebook Assurance Program that covers much of the cost of any potential damages.
Important Responsible Use Guidelines
Lincoln Public Schools wants to support the best use of technology to support teaching and learning. We value the partnership of parents and caregivers when learning occurs outside of the school building. As an important reminder, all students and adults using Lincoln Public Schools technology platforms must adhere to the expectations set forth in the LPS Responsible Use Agreement. In general, students and adults should be sure to:
- Use respectful behavior and language.
- Stick to appropriate topic discussions.
- Send only appropriate video transmissions.
- Use only appropriate icon, emoji, and avatar submissions.
- Be honest and use academic integrity by not plagiarizing or copying others’ work
- Not falsify information about oneself or impersonate others online.
- Care for the devices assigned to them.
When everyone remembers to act kindly, show consideration for others, and treat one another online as they wish to be treated in person, students and adults alike will be able to focus on learning.
Digital Protections and Data Privacy
LPS cares deeply about protecting our students DIGITALLY, just as much as PHYSICALLY. We go to great lengths to make sure that the interactions a student is having online are safe and appropriate, that the data we collect about them as they go through school is securely held, and that we are helping students to continue to make good digital decisions when they are not under our watchful eye. These digital efforts are often less visible than our physical security efforts, so we assemble the following information to increase awareness of these important measures that are happening in LPS every day.
How Teachers Select Digital Tools
You should know that LPS staff members cannot just pick any digital tool they come across and have students use it. We take data privacy way more seriously than that. LPS is a national leader with our processes for evaluating and selecting Instructional Technology Tools. Learn more about this process.
What tools are being used in LPS?
The answer to this differs by teacher. To see the entire list of approved tools K-12, visit the LPS Matrix. However, to get a general overview of the more commonly accessed tools at your student’s grade level, you can log into their LPS Portal and scan the list they are presented.