Sustainability Spotlight: Climate Champions at Saratoga CLC
The district’s first ever Climate Champions Club was started at the Saratoga Elementary Community Learning Center in the spring of 2021. The District LPS Sustainability Team enjoyed serving as the club leaders and used this experience to pilot the lessons in hopes of this club being implemented at other schools in the future.
The idea for this club was sparked by a partnership with the City of Lincoln as they strived to reach youth with their Climate Action Plan community engagement. Topics in the club centered around the action areas mentioned in the Lincoln Climate Action Plan. Each week the Climate Champions learned about a new topic relating to climate action and sustainability. Some of these subjects included renewable energy, sustainable transportation, water conservation, waste diversion, and the harmful effects of too many greenhouse gases.
The highlight of the club experience for many of the members was their chance to interview Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird about the Lincoln Climate Action Plan and give their opinions on steps Lincoln could take. However, students also got to engage with other community organizations like Lincoln Electric System, the Lincoln Waste Diversion Coordinator, UNL Environmental Studies students, and more.
All schools are encouraged to have some sort of student green team, which could be named a lot of different things like Environmental Club, Eco Club, Neature Club (LSE), or even Climate Champions. Whatever the name, the LPS Sustainability team is here to support those students and club leaders who would like to take on these activities in their schools and in the community.
Thank you to Saratoga CLC for being Sustainability Champions!

Here are a few highlights of club activities:
- LES held a virtual renewable energy lesson and provided supplies for students to design and test out their own wind turbines
- The City Waste Diversion team provided a virtual field trip to the Bluff Road Landfill and discussed how we can reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost
- Students observed the effects of greenhouse gases by modeling a flooding coastline with clay and ice
- The Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources demonstrated how technology can help us find solutions to becoming more sustainable
- Lincoln Transportation and Utilities explained how water is brought into buildings and discussed water distribution and conservation
- Club members celebrated both Earth day and Arbor day by mapping trees and drawing Earth Day messages around their school
- UNL students visited to share their waste audit results and identify which materials can be recycled and composted
Updated March 14, 2024