Printing Reduction across the District
With 2020 coming to an end, we are able to reflect on the sustainable achievements Lincoln Public Schools has accomplished over the year. Although the COVID-19 pandemic created many challenges for our buildings, it also encouraged a paperless environment. As schools and offices became familiar with remote work and learning, printing orders and paper consumption at LPS decreased significantly. Compared to 2019, printing volumes dropped almost 32 million impressions* in 2020, which saved the district over $182,000.
Aside from decreased printing, our paper recycling efforts were also able to be maintained. In 2020, over 370,000 pounds of paper was recycled across the district! Although it is exciting to celebrate our continued recycling efforts, we are also mindful of the need to focus our attention further up the waste hierarchy.
Printing double-sided, prioritizing digital documentation, and using electronic resources are all great ways to further improve our waste reduction at LPS. The 2020 paper reduction results showcase what our schools and offices are already capable of accomplishing, and we hope to continue this reduction trend in 2021.
*An impression is one printed side of a page, so a piece of paper used for double-sided printed would be two impressions.
Updated February 15, 2021