Opportunities grow in Everett Elementary Garden
Everett Elementary School has recently reestablished a small garden in its outdoor space and is planning to grow the size of the garden along with an outdoor classroom.
A new walking track, completed this summer, is just the first phase of the multi-year project to rehabilitate the nearly 40-year-old outdoor area. When completed, Everett students and their families will have access to a unique outdoor classroom and natural space, complete with school and community gardens built by Community Crops.
Everett art teacher, Andrea Jenkins, who also helps with the after-school garden club, says that “There is a high demand for vegetables that kids can take home. Students often eat vegetables straight out of the garden and also want to take more home to share with their families. We often cannot produce the quantity required to fulfill that need.”
Adding a garden to the Everett outdoor space will allow greater access to fresh produce in the community. These efforts from the students and staff will go a long way towards helping to continuously build on a strong association between the school and the encompassing neighborhood.

Updated October 26, 2021