LPS Student Supports

Effective  strategies  that will help staff develop positive behavior systems in classrooms and school-wide to support all students

Effective Classroom Practices


Posting and teaching expectations allows students to know exactly what to do.

Procedures and Routines

Establish smooth operation of instructional and procedural activities, transitions, and getting whole group attention

Encouraging Appropriate Behavior

Acknowledgement is when teachers pay attention to positive behavior and recognize it.

Responding to Problem Behavior

Use an instructional approach when students make behavioral errors similar to when they make academic errors

Active Supervision

Components of active supervision: Moving, scanning and interacting

Room Arrangement

Classrooms are organized so all students can see, hear and engage and are set up for maximized learning

Student Engagement and Opportunities to Respond

Engagement strategies actively involve all students while making learning visible through multiple opportunities to respond

How are classroom practices trauma informed?

Alignment of Effective Classroom and Trauma Informed Practices

Supporting and Responding to Behavior

Why is this behavior happening?

What strategies can I try?

How else might I think about this behavior?

Want to Learn More?

MTSS-B Virtual Learning Series

This series of virtual learning series is designed to help educators develop knowledge and understanding of tiered supports.

Challenging Behavior Webinar Series

This series of webinars provide short but powerful strategies for teachers and administrators. View these sessions individually or with your team!

Tier 2 Supports

Supports for SOME students

Continuously available and easily accessible

An extension of Tier 1

Implementation aligns with quality instruction

Restorative Mindset

Focuses on relationships

Values every member of the community

Connect and relate to others from a place of mutual respect