Camera & Microphone Use

LPS issued devices (Chromebooks, Mac & Windows Laptops, iPads) come equipped with audio and video recording capabilities through a built-in microphone and cameras. All electronic recordings created with LPS devices must comply with District Policies and State and Federal Laws.  District policy prohibits the use of electronic recording devices in a manner that compromises the privacy interests of other individuals.  District policy also prohibits harassment and bullying. Users of any LPS device are required to use the device in a manner that complies with these and other District Policies. Use of the LPS device in a manner that violates District policy may result in revocation of the device and may result in further disciplinary consequence.

Use of any LPS device and any other device with audio and video recording capabilities during instructional time is at the discretion of the teacher and the student must obtain prior approval to use the device for such purposes. Any electronic recordings obtained with the recording device are for instructional/educational purposes and individual use. Therefore, electronic recordings obtained with the LPS device may not be shared, published or rebroadcasted for any reason by an LPS student without permission. Furthermore, users of an LPS device should be aware that State and Federal laws in many instances prohibit secret or surreptitious recording undertaken without the knowledge and consent of the person or persons being recorded. Violations of State and Federal recording laws may be reported to the proper authorities and may result in criminal prosecution.