Bilingual Liaisons

About the Program

We have the expertise of Bilingual Liaisons, from all walks of lives, whose job is not only to serve as interpreters for the District; but rather said, Bilingual Liaisons serve as a link between school, the family and the community in an effort to establish an open line of communication, which is integral in the education process of any individual. Some of the responsibilities of the Bilingual Liaison are to provide cultural and language services in the following instances:

  • During ELL assessment, placement and enrollment process.
  • Working in collaboration with all departments within LPS in order to resolve language and cultural issues.
  • Supporting the Migrant Education Program in the area of  recruitment, program development and community resources.
  • Providing support to Family Literacy programs across the District through recruitment, language services and community collaboration.
  • Serving as Cultural Ambassadors in order to bring cultural awareness.
  • Working in collaboration with school staff and administration in the area of parent engagement.
  • Providing Language Services to LPS staff.
  • Working in collaboration with the Youth Development Team.