Learning Lunch is Back!
The annual Lincoln Public Schools Learning Lunch series is back after a year off. You are welcome to join us in-person or virtually! Bring your lunch and join us in the Boardroom at the District Office, or log-in via Zoom. Each monthly presentation this school year will typically be held on the third Wednesday of the month.
Virtual Room will open around 5 minutes prior to the Learning Lunch Beginning
Here's the 2021–2022 Season
Presentations will begin at noon, with questions-and-answers at roughly 12:30 p.m. Here’s our 2021–22 LPS Learning Lunch season schedule:
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
What's in a Name, Revisited: Civil Rights Trailblazers
As is tradition, local historian Ed Zimmer will kick off the Learning Lunch season. From Abraham Lincoln and women’s suffrage leader Phoebe Elliott to Ponca chief Standing Bear, Zimmer will dig deep into the history of many LPS schools that honor the names of pioneers in America’s long journey toward forming “a more perfect union.”
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
The Vital Work of our Student Advocates
Members of the LPS Federal Program’s student advocate team will talk about their work with students and families, particularly within the African-American and American Indian communities. They’ll examine the culturally specific barriers and challenges unique to these communities, as well as how they identify barriers to success and assist these students and families to overcome them.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Full Service Community Schools
Lincoln Community Learning Centers Director Nola Derby-Bennett will take a deep dive into the goals of our Community Learning Centers, and how the CLCs focus on helping to develop “Smart Kids, Thriving Families & Strong Neighborhoods.”
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Teaching Students Involved in Juvenile Justice: Who Are the People of the Pathfinder Program?
Randy Farmer, director of the LPS Pathfinder Program, will address the unique students – and the educators who work with them – inside the Lancaster County Youth Services Center as part of this program.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Cultural Perspectives and the Role of LPS Bilingual Liaisons
With the ever-changing demographics within Lincoln Public Schools, currently serving students and families representing 152 countries and speaking 130 languages, LPS must be ready to provide language and cultural support. A panel of LPS Bilingual Liaisons representing seven of the major ethnic groups in this community will provide a glimpse into their roles and responsibilities when working with immigrant and refugee families.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
LPS Focus Programs
LPS Director of Strategic Initiatives and Focus Programs James Blake, along with representatives from partnering community organizations, will offer an overview of the school district’s current focus programs, as well as those that are being added in the future. LPS currently offers the Science Focus Program and the Arts & Humanities Program, the International Baccalaureate Program at Lincoln High School, the Air Force Junior ROTC program at Lincoln Northeast High School and The Career Academy. The programs that will launch in 2022-23 are the Early College and Career STEM Program at Northeast, Bryan College of Health and Sciences at the new Lincoln Northwest High School, and the Bay Focus Program.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Sustainability at LPS: Connecting Facilities, Students, and Community Through Climate Action
Learn about the LPS Sustainability Programs that are supporting green school initiatives in the areas of waste, energy, water, transportation and air quality. LPS Sustainability Coordinator Brittney Albin will show how there are plenty of ways to get involved at our schools, just in time for Earth Day in April.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
How Does Science Really Work? Dogs and Turnips.
In the wake of the pandemic, science has certainly been put under the microscope. Engage in an activity with LPS Science Curriculum Specialist Betsy Barent that will deepen your understanding about what science is and what it isn’t – and you’ll have some fun, too!
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Lincoln Youth Symphony, 65 Years of Musical Excellence
As is tradition, the final Learning Lunch of the school year will feature student music. This year it will be the Lincoln Youth Symphony as it celebrates its 65th anniversary. LPS Supervisor of Music Lance Nielsen and the symphony’s director, Clark Potter, will provide the rich history of the symphony and the program will feature a live student performance.