Heat Protocols and Guidelines
LPS Heat Guidelines
LPS Activity and Athletic groups utilize a Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer, (WBGT) when available, to make decisions regarding the safety of outdoor practices and competitions when Heat is a factor. When a WBGT is not available, groups will use the Heat Index Chart to make a final decision. Decisions could range from modification of practice space, (moving indoors) shortening practice time or cancellation, among others. LPS Coaches, sponsors and administration will always make the decision on what is best for the safety of students.
NSAA Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer (WBGT) Heat Modification Guidelines
For Announcements
For the most recent information on cancellations, postponements and reschedules, please visit the Heartland Athletic Conference’s website and click on your school’s link. For Lincoln Northwest and Lincoln Standing Bear, please visit the Eastern Midland Conference’s site.