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Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) offers a wide variety of district and state assessment opportunities for students. Click the headings below for further information.

The ESU 18 Assessment and Evaluation team believes that quality assessment (classroom and district-wide) and evaluation can be a powerful part of the learning process. We advocate practices that ensure quality assessment and evaluation, including strategic thinking about the purpose. (Click heading for a more detailed statement).

Many high school students and families are thinking ahead to preparation for the ACT, the nation’s most popular college entrance exam. All LPS students take the ACT exam at no charge as a junior in high school as part of statewide testing. Students also can pay a fee (or see their high school counselor to apply for a fee waiver) to take the test additional times if they choose. (Click heading for more details).

DCAs are developed to assess student achievement according to curriculum standards. Since these tests are aligned to district criteria, the scores represent student achievement. The results typically describe whether a student is proficient or is not yet proficient in a specific curriculum standard.

Standardized tests are given under “standardized” conditions, meaning that all students take the same test in the same setting, are given the same instructions, and their responses are scored in the same ways. The purpose of standardization is to try to ensure that students’ scores can be compared across contexts and are not influenced by testing conditions. Most assessments LPS students take will be non-standardized classroom assessments (teacher designed) tests that aren’t standardized in this way. Classroom teachers can make assessments that best match classroom instruction.

Students in grades 3-8 participate in NSCAS Growth testing in English Language Arts and math. Students in grades 5 and 8 also take NSCAS Growth science tests. Students in grade 11 participate in a college entrance exam as part of state testing. English Learners in grades K-12 participate in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21).

Glossary of common assessment terms used by LPS personnel.

People you can contact for additional information regarding assessments students take in LPS.