
Surveys are a method of gathering information from individuals and have a variety of purposes. Surveys can be conducted in many ways, such as through a printed questionnaire, over the telephone, by mail, in person, or on the web. This information is collected through use of standardized procedures so that every participant is asked the same questions in the same way.

Lincoln Public Schools uses surveys to gather information from community stakeholders, parents, students, and staff on a wide variety of topics. Currently, the district uses Qualtrics as the main tool for large-scale surveys. Survey links sent out through the Qualtrics system are sent from 1 of 3 domain names:

Notifications of upcoming large-scale surveys are communicated in advance. 

There are procedures and protocol for LPS staff when using or requesting a survey. Click the button above to access those resources.

(Please make sure you are signed into our LPS Google Account before clicking on the above link.)

General Surveying Recommendations

When creating a survey it is important to be transparent about how the information will be used. Many respondents will be reluctant to reply to a survey if the intended use of the information is not clear. Let respondents know if the results of the survey will be used, for example, to make adjustments to a program or give information to support an idea. Also, let respondents know if they will receive a summary of the results.

There are several questions important to defining the purpose of a survey.

  • Is a survey the best way to gather the answer to your question(s)? 

Surveys are a useful tool, but they are not the only way to gather information. Think about the question you want answered and determine if a survey will produce the information you need. Some information will be better gathered using informal conversations, established databases, interviews, or observations. 

  • Who will respond to your survey? 

It is important to consider who is the best source of information for the question(s) you want to answer. For example, if you want to know why students do not complete homework assignments, teachers may be able to provide one perspective but the students will be able to provide a more complete picture, that is authentic from their perspective.