Mental Health Therapy in Schools

  1. This process is for Licensed Mental Health Practitioners (LMHP) who are interested in providing therapy to students at school during their school day. Families can request for their child to see an approved therapist through the school social worker in the building.
  2. Complete and sign the Therapist Agreement and return it to Shereen Mills – – Student Services/Security, LPS District Office, 5905 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510
  3. Satisfactorily complete a background check.  Background Checks are required for each of you as part of the process of approval to work in Lincoln Public Schools.
  4. Your will need to submit an LPS agreement form and background check every 3 years, unless any changes occur within the time frame. 

To complete your background check now, please complete the information on this website.

Note there will be a $52 charge for the background check and you will be asked to pay by credit card or eCheck. You will be prompted for payment after you have submitted your personal information.


Andrea Phillips
LPS Mental Health Coordinator