Archive for Video category:


WeVideo WeVideo is a cloud-based multimedia (videos, podcasts, etc.) creator offering advanced editing features in a simple format. It is ideal for both LPS teachers and students. Students can engage in storytelling through motion effects, green screen, transitions, and voiceover.  Teachers will also find that the recording tools address many of their needs.  Logging In […]

Video in Google Drive

Google Drive allows you to upload and share ANY type of file, including video. Google lifted storage quotas in 2014, which means you have unlimited storage in LPS GOOG. This makes it a very attractive way to store videos. Upload a video in LPS GOOG Login to LPS GOOG Drag-Drop your video file from your desktop […]

YouTube in LPS

YouTube in LPS YouTube is a filtered (blocked) site for students in LPS buildings and outside of LPS buildings on LPS-owned student devices. However, teachers have options for making teacher-vetted, content appropriate YouTube videos available for their students. Learn more about how to use MyVideoSpot for this purpose in the tabs below. MyVideoSpot is a Video Management Solution for […]

Creating a Photo Gallery with WordPress and an iPad

The following video uses an iPad, but the iPhone/iPod Touch app is nearly identical. The WordPress app also exists for Android but it works a little different. [videojs mp4=”″ webm=”” poster=”” width=”720″ height=”450″]

Staff Lists for School Web Sites

For as long as we’ve had school websites, one of the toughest tasks each year has been to maintain the staff list. It’s never just been a matter of making sure that the names of positions were up to date — but usually also included keeping links to staff members’ websites and other online resources […]

Using the Link Widget

The link widget is a great way to give folks easy access to related and important resources from nearly any page of your WordPress web site.

Editing the WordPress Sidebar

Most WordPress sites come with a large section on the right side of the page for small bits of information to be shown using “Widgets”. If you’ve been frustrated with this section and wanted to know how to get rid of the default “Categories” and “Archives” widgets, how to add your own widgets or even […]

Placing Tables into WordPress Posts and Pages

I get asked a lot about placing tables into WordPress. I’m obligated to first say that tables are intended for tabular data that you wish to display in your site such as a directory or anything that would feel at home in a spreadsheet. Tables are not intended to be used as a layout tool […]

Using video on your wordpress site

Uploading video into your wordpress site can seem trickier than it should be. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the audio or video format that you saved to is incompatible with the flash video player in WordPress. This video demonstrates how to re-encode your videos easily to a format that will work […]

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