School Messenger Questions and Answers
Q: Are there specific things I should be aware of or watch for when sending a broadcast?
- In your phone message be sure to add the statement “press the star key to replay this message”.
- Keep your messages concise to ensure people listen to the entire message.
- Save your messages because they can be modified and used again. (Example: PLC messages)
- The default setting is to skip the duplicates. LEAVE this CHECKED. This will ensure (if there are 3 students with the same phone number) it only delivers the message once.
- Be careful on the last step of when the message is to be delivered. It is easy to have it sent immediately. There are options to save the message and schedule it for a later time.
Q: Why am I not seeing all of my staff when I set up my staff group(s)?
The staff list is populated from Human Resources information. If you have teachers transferring from another LPS school or are brand new to the district, their position is not effective until their first day (as stated in their contract). So they will not be available for you to add (and will not automatically be added) to your lists until after that date. The same is true for staff leaving your building – they will remain on your list until their end date (as stated in their contract) has occurred. NOTE: Your lists will automatically update from the nightly imports as these dates occur.
Q: I have been sending an ALL staff message via School Messenger but not all of my staff are receiving the message. Why would that be?
It is very important that you create your group list by using contact type=staff. This automatically adds any person that is connected to your building in their HR record, to that list. But, this does not add the people that are district itinerant staff to this list. You must add them manually by editing the list using the ‘enter contacts’ option in the additional list tools.
Q: How do I, set up a broadcast that will include a text message?
By default, without doing anything, the phone message you create will send a text message that is a link to listen to the message created. It starts with “Lincoln Public Schools sent a msg. To listen “….” which is the link to the message. The link option does not restrict your message to 160 characters like a standard text does.
If you wish to send a short text message from SchoolMessenger, select the SMS option and type the message (MAX 160 characters). Include school identifying information (East High School), as your school number will not display on the text. The message will show from the number 68453.
Q: How does a parent/guardian opt into text messages?
1. The parent/guardian can log into his/her ParentVUE account and add the cell phone number there. The type of phone needs to be labeled as “Text” and the “contact” box on the right must be checked. The next day, the parent/guardian will receive a text message from School Messenger, verifying that he/she wants to opt in. The parent/guardian will need to respond to that text with a ‘Y’ or ‘YES’.
2. The school office can add the cell phone number to the parent/guardian’s record in Synergy (on the Parent Record). The type of phone needs to be labeled as “Text”, and the “contact” box must be checked. The next day, the parent/guardian will receive a text message from School Messenger, verifying that he/she wants to opt in. The parent/guardian will need to respond to that text with a ‘Y’ or ‘YES’.
Q: If a parent/guardian once opted out of receiving text messages but has now changed their mind, how do we get them opted back in?
The parent/guardian should log into his/her ParentVUE account to verify the cell phone number is listed as “Text” and the “contact” box on the right is checked. Then he/she will need to send a text containing ‘Y’ or ‘YES’ to the number 68453.
Q: Where do the phone numbers and emails for Students and Staff come from?
Student phone numbers:
We can call up to 5 parent/guardians for each student (as listed in Synergy). Parent/Guardians that have phone numbers with the “Contact” box checked, on their individual parent record, will receive calls to those numbers. Each parent/guardian may have multiple types of phone numbers contacted.
Student emails:
Parent/guardian emails listed in Synergy (on the Demographic tab) will be pulled into School Messenger. If a parent/guardian does not wish to receive emails from LPS, they may choose to block their address from future messages.
Staff phone and Email:
We can call up to 3 phone numbers for staff: home phone number, cell phone, and alternate phone, which all come from the ICE site maintained by employees. We send the main LPS email and the 1st alternate email, if present, from the ICE site.
Q: Is there a way to have the system not send notifications to the Parochial / Home School Students that may attend our schools?
If the parent does not wish to receive phone calls and/or texts, simply uncheck the “Contact” box on the parent record. If the parent does not wish to receive emails, he/she should block their email address from future messages by clicking on the link at the bottom of an email (to unsubscribe).
Q: Can I use ‘Call me to record’ from my office phone?
Only if your office phone is not an extension phone. If you have an extension phone, but would like to request not to, please contact Don Freeman.
Updated June 14, 2017