HTML Named Colors

Looking for a color to use in your web site? Here’s a great list of the named HTML colors along with tools that let you grab darker or lighter shades of each or mix them with other colors.

Placing Tables into WordPress Posts and Pages

I get asked a lot about placing tables into WordPress. I’m obligated to first say that tables are intended for tabular data that you wish to display in your site such as a directory or anything that would feel at home in a spreadsheet. Tables are not intended to be used as a layout tool […]

WordPress admin on smaller screens

If you are on a smaller computer display, composing and editing posts and pages can be a bit tricky as some of the page elements may overlap each other. Here are two easy tricks you can use to make everything fit.

Using video on your wordpress site

Uploading video into your wordpress site can seem trickier than it should be. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the audio or video format that you saved to is incompatible with the flash video player in WordPress. This video demonstrates how to re-encode your videos easily to a format that will work […]

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