ITR009 – Artificial Intelligence

This Information Technology Rule defines Generative and Predictive Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the parameters for AI use within the Lincoln Public Schools.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) refers to systems capable of generating output that simulates functions commonly associated with human intelligence. Predictive Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves using statistical analysis and machine learning (ML) to identify patterns, anticipate behaviors and forecast upcoming events. Generative and Predictive AI is available in a variety of types and categories, including standalone systems, integrated as features within search engines, and embedded in other software tools.

Users of generative AI tools must NOT:

  • Use generative AI tools with data classified as Sensitive or Confidential (see ITR001) unless that tool is explicitly sanctioned for such use via the ITT review process
  • Allow generative AI tools to train on district data classified as Sensitive or Confidential

Users of generative AI tools must:

  • Continually assess the reliability and validity of output
  • Comply with all other IT Rules and Procedures, including ITR002, the Instructional Technology Tools Selection Rule
  • Identify and disclose when generative AI output is used as a substitute for human interaction
  • Ensure that generative AI output is ethical, fair, and unbiased to support practices that neither discriminate nor negatively impact a specific group of people

Individual generative AI tools (standalone or integrated) may have additional restrictions, limitations, requirements, or allowed uses based on security, safety, confidentiality, and privacy evaluations.

What does this mean to me?

Generative AI is increasingly accessible to staff and students through everyday tools. Staff must be very thoughtful about the use of these tools in our educational environment. There are legal and pedagogical impacts that must be considered, while recognizing the potential benefits as employees.

*SPRING 2025 – LPS is in the planning process for responsible inclusion of Google Gemini in the LPS toolset for STAFF, starting in August 2025. The following resources offer general guidance until staff have an opportunity to receive more direct guidance from supervisors and specialists.

The LPS Artificial Intelligence Advisory Group (AIAG) has published ‘Guiding Principles of AI Use in LPS’ which outline LPS positions on appropriate and responsible use of AI in classroom instruction, school leadership, and districtwide operations. You may also find helpful background context on the LPS ‘AI in Education’ web page.