INFO: Bulk Envelope Printing
LPSDO Print Center and schools no longer have machines that can print return addresses on envelopes in large volumes. Envelopes Plus will handle envelope printing needs. Please follow the instructions below.
Vendor – Envelopes Plus, Lincoln NE
Minimum order quantity: 1,000 envelopes Order quantities should be rounded to nearest 500. Example: Order for 1850 should be 2000)
All envelopes printed Black ink, 1 side
All envelopes 24# White Wove
The per thousand cost for any size order above the 1000 minimum.
#10 Regular, (No Window) $23.00/M
#10 Standard Left Window $24.50/M
#9 Regular, (No Window) $23.00/M
#6 3/4 Regular, (No Window) $24.00/M
Send requisition with sample envelope to Purchasing. Allow 5 workdays to process and deliver.
Updated June 19, 2017