State Testing – NSCAS Growth and ELPA21

Nebraska Requires State Level Testing
The Nebraska Department of Education website has more detailed information about the state-wide assessments. The sidebar on the left side has links to more specific testing information.
Students in grades 3-8 participate in NSCAS Growth testing in English Language Arts and math. Students in grades 5 and 8 also take NSCAS Growth science tests. Click here for more information about NSCAS Growth. Students in grade 11 participate in a college entrance exam (ACT) as part of state testing. English Learners in grades K-12 participate in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21).
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State ACT / PreACT
What is it: A norm-referenced achievement test that has been selected by the Nebraska Department of Education to measure state standards in English language arts, math, and science.
What are the results used for: Students and parents may choose to report the results to colleges for use in college admission and scholarship decisions. They may also use the results to inform decisions about high school classes and college and career pathways. Counselors may use the results to advise students on college and scholarship opportunities. Schools and the district use the results to compare the achievement of groups of students with that of similar groups across the nation and to plan curriculum and instruction. The district also uses the results in the evaluation of some grants and to meet the state norm-referenced reporting requirement for high school. The state and federal government use the results for accountability.

NSCAS Growth (Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System)
What is it: Interim/summative assessments developed by the state in core subject areas. The tests are designed to provide a picture of how students are progressing toward meeting academic standards. They provide an indication of whether students are “on grade level” based on state expectations.
What are the results used for: Students and parents may use the results as one indicator of whether students are meeting grade level expectations. Teachers, schools, and the district may use the results to monitor achievement for groups of students and to plan curriculum and instruction. The state and federal government use the results for accountability.

English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21)
What is it: A state language proficiency assessment to measure progress toward and attainment of English proficiency. Students who take these assessments qualify for the English Language Learner program, but may or may not participate.
What are the results used for: Students and parents may use the results to evaluate students’ English proficiency. Results are also used as one important piece of information to make decisions about if individual students continue to need ELL services. Schools and the district may use results for groups of students to monitor achievement and to plan curriculum and instruction. The state and federal government use the results for accountability.