Payroll Department

Paycheck Information and Location

Payroll Schedules and Pay Dates

Common Questions and Answers

Contracted employees work a set schedule. Their pay is based off annual earned wages. Contracted employees include Administrators, Teachers/Certified Staff, Paraeducators, Nutrition Services Staff, Office Professionals, Custodial Staff, Maintenance Staff, and Technicians.

All contracted employees are paid based on annual earned wages. Annual wages are found by multiplying the hourly rate by hours worked per day and again by the number of days worked in the school year. The annual wages are then divided evenly by the remaining months in the school year. If the employee is working a full school year, their annual wages are divided by 12, so they receive 12 equal payments September–August (Lincoln Public Schools’ fiscal year).

Employees with a start date after the beginning of the school year may receive a partial payment. This partial payment will be subtracted from their calculated annual wages. The remaining wages will be divided evenly through the following August. See the Payment Timeline for New Employees to the right.

Less than 260-day employees with a start date after January 1st will only be working half the school year (or less). This is half a school year’s earnings (or less) divided and paid over a possible 8 months.

Hourly employees work as needed. Their hours worked are tracked through Workforce Management (WFM—LPS’s time and attendance system) and paid based on the WFM payroll periods. Hourly employees include, but are not limited to, Athletic Event Workers, Intramural Staff, Mentors, Substitutes, Translators, and Hourly Paraeducators. This group does not have a set schedule with Human Resources.

Transportation staff are paid twice a month. The first check is paid on the 15th of the month. The payroll period runs from the 1st to the 15th of the previous month.

The second check is paid at the end of the month. The payroll period runs from the 16th to the end of the previous month.

A 260-day employee needs to work a full month to receive a full paycheck. If a 260-day employee ends employment before the end of the month, they will receive a partial paycheck.

For all contracted employees, payroll will calculate the total wages the employee has earned from their start date in the current school year to their termination date. These are the total wages earned. From this, the wages paid from September through the previous month will be subtracted. These are the remaining wages owed and will be paid on the final paycheck.

WFM Leave Accruals and Leave Cap

Are you reaching your cap on leave? All employees have a different cap on their leave balances depending on their bargaining group and years of

W4 Information and Instructions

Please see the instructions below if you need assistance with completing your W4. Currently, you cannot select the status of exempt on your W4 through

Address Changes

You are able to update your address from any computer on Employee Space in CORE. If you are not familiar with Employee Space, you can

Contact Us

5905 O St, Lincoln, NE 68510 

P.O. Box 82889, Lincoln, NE 68501

Attn: Box 32

 402-436-1710 |  402-436-1699  |

Payroll Department Contacts

We are here to assist with employee payroll and WFM. Find the right person to answer your questions! Please call 402-436-1710 for personal assistance.

Jessica Jefferson, Director of Accounting and Payroll 402-436-1706

Stacy Storant, Payroll Manager 402-436-1774 | Paying Administrators, Processing Payroll and W-2’s

McKinsey Petersen, Assistant Payroll Manager |  402-436-1773 | Paying Technicians,  Nebraska State Retirement Reporting, Processing Payroll, Disability Claims

Kassidi Blackmon, Payroll Technician |  402-436-1771 | Paying all Certificated Staff, Nutrition Services, Garnishments and Child Support Withholdings, Long-term Absences

Kelly Burks, Payroll Technician |  402-436-1772 | Paying Paraeducators, Maintenance, and Custodians, Workman’s Compensation, Voluntary Employee Deductions (United Way, Association Dues, Credit Union)

Heather McNear, Payroll Technician |  402-436-1764 | Paying Substitutes, Transportation, Office and Coaches, Audits, WFM Contact for Payroll

Holly Kafonek, Payroll Specialist |   402-436-1714 | Direct Deposit Requests, W-4 Changes, Wage Verifications, Tracking Conference Time



Employees Paid in 2024 Qrt 1


Employees Paid in 2024 Qrt 2


Employees Paid in 2024 Qrt 3


Employees Paid in 2024 Qrt 4