ITP003 - Account Access and Password Procedure
Role Provisioned Account Procedure
Data from source systems (District ERP/SIS) are used by the Identity Access Management (IAM) System to provision accounts based on the role of the user. Detailed provisioning procedures are maintained as an additional document.
Manually Provisioned Account Access Procedure
Manually provisioned account access to a system must be maintained as a part of the inventory document for the system. This access must be reviewed annually when the system’s inventory status is reviewed.
Note: manual access that grants administrative privileges must also follow the Role Access Change Procedure.
Role Access Change Procedure
Changes to the access levels granted for a role must be submitted to and approved by the Data Owner for the application, the Data Services Coordinator, and the Information Security Office. A request is initiated by submitting a service desk request under the appropriate application, which will then be routed to the responsible team. After the request is approved, the role access may be changed.
In cases of emergency, role access may be revoked by the designated system administrator prior to approval, but a ticket must still be submitted and approved for documentation purposes.
Staff Password Procedure
If a staff member knows their password and want to change it:
- Log into the LPS Portal
- In the “portal settings” area (upper right corner), select Settings, Recovery and Change Password.
If a staff member DOES NOT know their password, they should contact the LPS Help Desk for assistance (402-436-1735).
Passwords must contain at least 3 of the following attributes:
- At Least One Upper Case Letter
- At Least One Lower Case Letter
- At Least One Special Character from the following ! @ $ % ^ & * ?
- At Least One Number
Passwords must be at least 8 characters and no more than 20 characters in length.
You cannot repeat a password for 24 months.
Passwords cannot contain spaces or any of the following special characters: _ – | . # \ / ” + ~
What does this mean to me?
- If you think someone else knows your password, it is your responsibility to report this and change your password immediately.
- If LPS learns that your password is being used by another person, your account access will be suspended until resolution can occur.