Special Education Itinerant Staff Directory
School | Position | Name | |
Adams | Speech-Language Pathologist | Megan Burmeister | mrovang@lps.org |
Adams | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Adams | Occupational Therapist | Holli Longe | hlonge@lps.org |
Adams | Physical Therapist | Susan Van Brocklin | svanbro@lps.org |
Adams | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Adams | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Adams | School Psychologist | Kelly Thieman | kthiema@lps.org |
Adams | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Adams | Coordinator | Tina Crosley-Witt | tcrosley@lps.org |
Arnold | Speech-Language Pathologist | Alison Vazquez | avazquez@lps.org |
Arnold | Speech-Language Pathologist | Carly Johnson | cjohns13@lps.org |
Arnold | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Arnold | Occupational Therapist | Ashley Grossenbacher | agrossen@lps.org |
Arnold | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Arnold | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Arnold | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Arnold | School Psychologist | Brandon Ee | bee@lps.org |
Arnold | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Arnold | Coordinator | Kate Dulgar | kdulgar@lps.org |
Beattie | Speech-Language Pathologist | Brooke Stohs | bstohs@lps.org |
Beattie | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Beattie | Occupational Therapist | Jodi Rust | jrust1@lps.org |
Beattie | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Beattie | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Lindsey Flori-Plummer | lflori@lps.org |
Beattie | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Lora Orta | lorta@lps.org |
Beattie | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Beattie | School Psychologist | Sue Oliver | soliver@lps.org |
Beattie | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Beattie | Coordinator | Micala Oltman | moltma@lps.org |
Belmont | Speech-Language Pathologist | Abbie Vodicka | avodicka@lps.og |
Belmont | Speech-Language Pathologist | Suzanne Seberg | sseberg@lps.org |
Belmont | Speech-Language Pathologist | Anna Hower | ahower@lps.org |
Belmont | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Belmont | Occupational Therapist | Penny Laschanzky (1-5) Mikaela Buettner and Jodi Rust(KG) | plasch@lps.org |
Belmont | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Belmont | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Belmont | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Belmont | School Psychologist | Peter Cummings | pcumming@lps.org |
Belmont | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Belmont | Coordinator | Megan Weigel | mweigel2@lps.org |
Brownell | Speech-Language Pathologist | Heather Walker | lmcclin2@lps.org |
Brownell | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kebbie Himmelberg | khimmel@lps.org |
Brownell | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Brownell | Occupational Therapist | Heidi Bartlett-Allen | hbartlet@lps.org |
Brownell | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Brownell | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Brownell | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Brownell | School Psychologist | Sara Gahan | sgahan@lps.org |
Brownell | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Brownell | Coordinator | Ben Esters | besters@lps.org |
Bryan | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jill Deets | jdeets@lps.org |
Bryan | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Bryan | Occupational Therapist | ||
Bryan | Physical Therapist | ||
Bryan | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | NA | NA |
Bryan | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | |
Bryan | School Psychologist | Mary Osterloh | mosterlo@lps.org |
Bryan | Audiologist | NA | NA |
Bryan | Coordinator | Greg Sederberg | gsederb@lps.org |
Calvert | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jamie Swartz | jswartz@lps.org |
Calvert | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Calvert | Occupational Therapist | Heidi Bartlett-Allen | hbartlet@lps.org |
Calvert | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Calvert | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Calvert | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
Calvert | School Psychologist | Philip Rohde | prohde@lps.org |
Calvert | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Calvert | Coordinator | Kim Ruud | kruud@lps.org |
Campbell | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jenna Theiszen | jthies@lps.org |
Campbell | Speech-Language Pathologist | Maddie Horne | mhorne2@lps.org |
Campbell | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Campbell | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Hatch | jhatch@lps.org |
Campbell | Physical Therapist | Kari Connelly | kconnel2@lps.org |
Campbell | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Campbell | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Campbell | School Psychologist | Kelsea Small | ksmall@lps.org |
Campbell | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Campbell | Coordinator | Valerie Bergeron | vberger@lps.org |
Cavett | Speech-Language Pathologist | Sheri Harris | sharris@lps.org |
Cavett | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Cavett | Occupational Therapist | Holli Longe | hlonge@lps.org |
Cavett | Physical Therapist | Susan Van Brocklin | svanbro@lps.org |
Cavett | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Cavett | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
Cavett | School Psychologist | Amy Carnie | acarnie@lps.org |
Cavett | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Cavett | Coordinator | Tracy Clements | tclemen@lps.org |
Cavett ISP | Speech-Language Pathologist | Payton Boyes | pboyes@lps.org |
Cavett ISP | Assistive Technology | pdaberk@lps.org | |
Cavett ISP | Occupational Therapist | Holli Longe | hlonge@lps.org |
Cavett ISP | Physical Therapist | Susan Van Brocklin | bludwig@lps.org |
Cavett ISP | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
Cavett ISP | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
Cavett ISP | School Psychologist | ||
Cavett ISP | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Humann ISP | Coordinator | Brook Hamrick | bhamrick@lps.org |
Clinton | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kassi Skalka | kskalka@lps.org |
Clinton | Speech-Language Pathologist | Emily DeBusk | estauffe@lps.org |
Clinton | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Clinton | Occupational Therapist | Alyssa Rousseau | arousse2@lps.org |
Clinton | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Clinton | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Clinton | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
Clinton | School Psychologist | Philip Rohde | prohde@lps.org |
Clinton | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Clinton | Coordinator | Megan Zillig | mzillig@lps.org |
Culler | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jill Deets | jdeets@lps.org |
Culler | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tracy Malousek | tmalous@lps.org |
Culler | Assistive Technology | Megan Baliey | mbailey@lps.org |
Culler | Occupational Therapist | Alyssa Rousseau | arousse2@lps.org |
Culler | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Culler | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Culler | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
Culler | School Psychologist | Tami Redfield | tredfiel@lps.org |
Culler | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Culler | Coordinator | Emily Buchanan | ebuchan@lps.org |
Dawes | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kebbie Himmelberg | khimmel@lps.org |
Dawes | Assistive Technology | Megan Baliey | mbailey@lps.org |
Dawes | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Meyer | jmeyer@lps.org |
Dawes | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Dawes | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Dawes | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Dawes | School Psychologist | Wendy Morrissey | wmorris@lps.org |
Dawes | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Dawes | Coordinator | Kayla Hicks | khicks@lps.org |
Eastridge | Speech-Language Pathologist | Claire Rutherford | colson3@lps.org |
Eastridge | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Eastridge | Occupational Therapist | Heidi Bartlett-Allen | hbartlet@lps.org |
Eastridge | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Eastridge | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Eastridge | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Eastridge | School Psychologist | Shelby Glaser | sglaser2@lps.org |
Eastridge | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Eastridge | Coordinator | Tori Sutter | tsutter@lps.org |
Elliott | Speech-Language Pathologist | Emily DeBusk | estauffe@lps.org |
Elliott | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Elliott | Occupational Therapist | Jodi Rust | jrust1@lps.org |
Elliott | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Elliott | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Elliott | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Elliott | School Psychologist | Brandon Ee | bee@lps.org |
Elliott | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Elliott | Coordinator | Rachel Lewis | rlewis2@lps.org |
Everett | Speech-Language Pathologist | Brooke Anderson | bander10@lps.org |
Everett | Speech-Language Pathologist | Lorilee Schrader | lschrad@lps.org |
Everett | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Everett | Occupational Therapist | Jodi Rust | jrust1@lps.org |
Everett | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Everett | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Everett | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Everett | School Psychologist | Catelyn Kenney | ckenney@lps.org |
Everett | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Everett | Coordinator | MacKenzie Sheaff | msheaff@lps.org |
Fredstrom | Speech-Language Pathologist | Carly Johnson | cjohns13@lps.org |
Fredstrom | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Fredstrom | Occupational Therapist | Mikaela Buettner | |
Fredstrom | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Fredstrom | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Fredstrom | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Fredstrom | School Psychologist | Maddie Gage | mgage@lps.org |
Fredstrom | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Fredstrom | Coordinator | Kathy Moldenhauer | kmoldenh@lps.org |
Goodrich | Speech-Language Pathologist | Amanda Clemmons | aaustin@lps.org |
Goodrich | Speech-Language Pathologist | Shannon McLain | smclain@lps.org |
Goodrich | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Goodrich | Occupational Therapist | Penny Laschanzky | plasch@lps.org |
Goodrich | Physical Therapist | Kari Connelly | kconnel2@lps.org |
Goodrich | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Goodrich | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Goodrich | School Psychologist | Stephanie Erickson | serickso@lps.org |
Goodrich | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Goodrich | Assistant Principal | Jody Joel | jjoel@lps.org |
Hartley | Speech-Language Pathologist | Makenna Kroeker | mkroeke2@lps.org |
Hartley | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Hartley | Occupational Therapist | Penny Laschanzky | plasch@lps.org |
Hartley | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Hartley | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Hartley | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Hartley | School Psychologist | Baudelio Abrica | babrica@lps.org |
Hartley | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Hartley | Coordinator | Carmen Westfahl | cwestfa@lps.org |
Hill | Speech-Language Pathologist | Rachel Beeney | rbeeney@lps.org |
Hill | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Hill | Occupational Therapist | Laurie Miller | lrmiller@lps.org |
Hill | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Hill | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Hill | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Hill | School Psychologist | Olivia Moats | omoats@lps.org |
Hill | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Hill | Coordinator | Amber Smith | asmit10@lps.org |
Holmes | Speech-Language Pathologist | Liz Juiliano | ejuilia@lps.org |
Holmes | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Holmes | Occupational Therapist | Jill Lavene | jlavene@lps.org |
Holmes | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Holmes | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Holmes | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Holmes | School Psychologist | Danielle Fleer | ddurham@lps.org |
Holmes | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Holmes | Coordinator | Michelle Reinke | mreinke@lps.org |
Humann | Speech-Language Pathologist | Payton Boyes | pboyes@lps.org |
Humann | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Humann | Occupational Therapist | Holli Longe | hlonge@lps.org |
Humann | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Humann | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Humann | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Humann | School Psychologist | Amy Carnie | acarnie@lps.org |
Humann | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Humann | Coordinator | Laura Heller | lheller@lps.org |
Huntington | Speech-Language Pathologist | Michelle Wieser | mwieser@lps.org |
Huntington | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Huntington | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Meyer | jmeyer@lps.org |
Huntington | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Huntington | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Huntington | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Huntington | School Psychologist | Olivia Moats | omoats@lps.org |
Huntington | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Huntington | Coordinator | Mckenna Machal | mmachal@lps.org |
Irving | Speech-Language Pathologist | Deb Eastman | deastman@lps.org |
Irving | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Irving | Occupational Therapist | Laurie Miller | lrmiller@lps.org |
Irving | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Irving | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Abigail Mwania | amwania@lps.org |
Irving | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Juila Dowling | jwobig3@lps.org |
Irving | School Psychologist | Hannah Scholes | hscholes@lps.org |
Irving | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Irving | Coordinator | Anne Marie Boose | aboose@lps.org |
Kahoa | Speech-Language Pathologist | Lauryl McClintick | lmcclin2@lps.org |
Kahoa | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Kahoa | Occupational Therapist | Heidi Bartlett- Allen | hbartlet@lps.org |
Kahoa | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Kahoa | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Kahoa | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Kahoa | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Kahoa | School Psychologist | Stephanie Erickson | serickso@lps.org |
Kahoa | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Kahoa | Coordinator | Jennifer Metzger | jmetzge@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Speech-Language Pathologist | Lauren Newman | lnewman@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Speech-Language Pathologist | Liz Juiliano | ejuilia@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Occupational Therapist | Laurie Miller | lrmiller@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | School Psychologist | Shellee Becker | sbecker2@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Kloefkorn | Coordinator | Lisa Swiatek | lswiate@lps.org |
Kooser | Speech-Language Pathologist | Lauren Bell | lbell@lps.org |
Kooser | Speech-Language Pathologist | Megan Friedenbach | mfrieden@lps.org |
Kooser | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Kooser | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Hatch | jhatch@lps.org |
Kooser | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Kooser | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Kooser | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Kooser | School Psychologist | Bailey Hinrichs | bhinrich@lps.org |
Kooser | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Kooser | Coordinator | Jen Oestmann | jdaviso2@lps.org |
Lakeview | Speech-Language Pathologist | Josie Sullivan | jsulliv1@lps.org |
Lakeview | Speech-Language Pathologist | Arica Wieting | awiet@lps.org |
Lakeview | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Lakeview | Occupational Therapist | Ashley Grossenbacher | agrossen@lps.org |
Lakeview | Physical Therapist | Kari Connelly | kconnel2@lps.org |
Lakeview | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Lakeview | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Lakeview | School Psychologist | Molly Kuhl | mkuhl2@lps.org |
Lakeview | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Lakeview | Coordinator | Nicole Gonnerman | ngonnerm@lps.org |
LE ISP | Speech-Language Pathologist | Anna Schulz | aschulz@lps.org |
LE ISP | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
LE ISP | Occupational Therapist | Missy Sears | msears@lps.org |
LE ISP | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
LE ISP | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
LE ISP | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
LE ISP | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
LE ISP | School Psychologist | ||
LE ISP | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
LE ISP | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LE ISP | Coordinator | Brook Hamrick | bhamrick@lps.org |
LE | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kathy Dawson | kdawson@lps.org |
LE | Speech-Language Pathologist | Anna Schulz | aschulz@lps.org |
LE | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
LE | Occupational Therapist | Missy Sears | msears@lps.org |
LE | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
LE | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
LE | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
LE | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
LE | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
LE | School Psychologist | Cassie Dietrich | cdietric@lps.org |
LE | School Psychologist | Shellee Becker | sbecker2@lps.org |
LE | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
LE | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LE | Coordinator | Angie Ertz | aertz@lps.org |
LE | Coordinator | Leandra London | llondon@lps.org |
Lefler | Speech-Language Pathologist | Erin Pauley | epauley@lps.org |
Lefler | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Lefler | Occupational Therapist | Jodi Rust | jrust1@lps.org |
Lefler | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Lefler | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Lefler | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Lefler | School Psychologist | Dani Dornbusch | ddornbu@lps.org |
Lefler | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Lefler | Coordinator | Barb Grunder | bgrunder@lps.org |
LHS | Speech-Language Pathologist | Staci Cohn | scohn@lps.org |
LHS | Speech-Language Pathologist | Amanda Clemmons | aaustin@lps.org |
LHS | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
LHS | Occupational Therapist | Alyssa Rousseau | arousse2@lps.org |
LHS | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
LHS | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Christine Foy | cfoy@lps.org |
LHS | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
LHS | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
LHS | School Psychologist | Diana Pena | dpena@lps.org |
LHS | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LHS | Coordinator | Kristen Works | kworks@lps.org |
LHS | Coordinator | Tyler Francis | tfrancis@lps.org |
LNE | Speech-Language Pathologist | Matt Burk | mburk2@lps.org |
LNE | Speech-Language Pathologist | Claire Frodyma | cfrodyma@lps.org |
LNE | Speech-Language Pathologist | Trent Baker | tbaker7@lps.org |
LNE | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
LNE | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Hatch | jhatch@lps.org |
LNE | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
LNE | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
LNE | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
LNE | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
LNE | School Psychologist | Amy Lyons | alyons@lps.org |
LNE | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LNE | Coordinator | Jill Weatherly | jweathe@lps.org |
LNE | Coordinator | Monte Richie | mritchi2@lps.org |
LNS | Speech-Language Pathologist | Renee Hosek | rhosek@lps.org |
LNS | Speech-Language Pathologist | Daniel Navas | dnavas@lps.org |
LNS | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
LNS | Occupational Therapist | Penny Laschanzky | plasch@lps.org |
LNS | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe/ Kari Connelly (homebound) | hlonge1@lps.org |
LNS | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
LNS | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
LNS | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
LNS | School Psychologist | Reed Hindmand | rhindma@lps.org |
LNS | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LNS | Coordinator | Lori Devine | ldevine@lps.org |
LNS | Coordinator | Tim Amen | tamen2@lps.org |
LNW | Speech-Language Pathologist | Anna Hower | ahower@lps.org |
LNW | Speech-Language Pathologist | Chloe Legel | clegel@lps.org |
LNW | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
LNW | Occupational Therapist | Ashley Grossenbacher | agrossen@lps.org |
LNW | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
LNW | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Christine Foy | cfoy@lps.org |
LNW | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
LNW | School Psychologist | Tami Redfield | tredfiel@lps.org |
LNW | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LNW | Coordinator | Tracy Nelson | nelsont@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Speech-Language Pathologist | Anna Hower | ahower@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Occupational Therapist | Ashely Grossenbacher | agrossen@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Christine Foy | cfoy@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
LNW ISP | School Psychologist | Tami Redfield | tredfiel@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LNW ISP | Coordinator | Brook Hamrick | bhamrick@lps.org |
LSB | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tess Ostdiek | tostdiek@lps.org |
LSB | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
LSB | Occupational Therapist | Laurie Miller | lrmiller@lps.org |
LSB | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
LSB | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
LSB | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
LSB | School Psychologist | Vacancy | |
LSB | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
LSB | Coordinator | Matt Hansen | mhansen4@lps.org |
LSE | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tracy Malousek | tmalous@lps.org |
LSE | Speech-Language Pathologist | Makenna Kroeker | mkroeke2@lps.org |
LSE | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
LSE | Occupational Therapist | Heidi Bartlett- Allen | hbartlet@lps.org |
LSE | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
LSE | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Christine Foy | cfoy@lps.org |
LSE | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
LSE | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
LSE | School Psychologist | Kailee Gilliland | kgillila@lps.org |
LSE | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LSE | Coordinator | Tresa Wilson | twilson4@lps.org |
LSE | Coordinator | Antonio Horton | ahorton@lps.org |
LSW | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tess Ostdiek | tostdiek@lps.org |
LSW | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tabitha Hill | thill3@lps.org |
LSW | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
LSW | Occupational Therapist | Holli Longe | hlonge@lps.org |
LSW | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
LSW | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
LSW | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
LSW | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
LSW | School Psychologist | Katelyn Voigt | kloogman@lps.org |
LSW | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
LSW | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
LSW | Coordinator | Nicole Cooper | ncooper@lps.org |
LSW | Coordinator | Andrea Abel | aabel@lps.org |
Lux | Speech-Language Pathologist | Chloe Legel | clegel@lps.org |
Lux | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Lux | Occupational Therapist | Jill Lavene | jlavene@lps.org |
Lux | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Lux | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Lux | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
Lux | School Psychologist | Shellee Becker | sbecker2@lps.org |
Lux | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Lux | Coordinator | Addie Knorr | aknorr@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Speech-Language Pathologist | Chloe Legel | clegel@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Occupational Therapist | Jill Lavene | jlavene@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
Lux ISP | School Psychologist | ||
Lux ISP | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Lux ISP | Coordinator | Brook Hamrick | bhamrick@lps.org |
Maxey | Speech-Language Pathologist | Sydney Meister | smeister@lps.org |
Maxey | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tracy Malousek | tmalous@lps.org |
Maxey | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Maxey | Occupational Therapist | Jodi Rust | jrust1@lps.org |
Maxey | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Maxey | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Maxey | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
Maxey | School Psychologist | Breanna Gal | bgal@lps.org |
Maxey | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Maxey | Coordinator | Mike Masin | mmasin@lps.org |
McPhee | Speech-Language Pathologist | Laura Haberacker | lhabera@lps.org |
McPhee | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
McPhee | Occupational Therapist | Alyssa Rousseau | arousse2@lps.org |
McPhee | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
McPhee | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
McPhee | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
McPhee | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
McPhee | School Psychologist | Maddi Keiter | mkeiter@lps.org |
McPhee | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
McPhee | Coordinator | Danielle Burbach | dburbac3@lps.org |
Mickle | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jessica Murphy | jmurphy4@lps.org |
Mickle | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Mickle | Occupational Therapist | Heidi Bartlett- Allen | hbartlet@lps.org |
Mickle | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Mickle | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
Mickle | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Mickle | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
Mickle | School Psychologist | Ashley Wagner | awagner3@lps.org |
Mickle | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Mickle | Coordinator | Laura Orcutt | lorcutt@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Speech-Language Pathologist | Heather Walker | hwalker2@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Speech-Language Pathologist | Michelle Wieser | mwieser@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Occupational Therapist | Lisa Wyrick | lwyrick@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | School Psychologist | Maddi Keiter | mkeiter@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Meadow Lane | Coordinator | Kasey Dils | kdils@lps.org |
Moore | Speech-Language Pathologist | Betsy Carr | ecarr@lps.org |
Moore | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Moore | Occupational Therapist | Laurie Miller | lrmiller@lps.org |
Moore | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Moore | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Moore | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Moore | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Taylor Vasey | tvasey@lps.org |
Moore | School Psychologist | Natalie Hilton | nhilton@lps.org |
Moore | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Moore | Coordinator | Jennifer Wagner | jwagner2@lps.org |
Morley | Speech-Language Pathologist | Lorilee Schrader | lschrad@lps.org |
Morley | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Morley | Occupational Therapist | Jill Lavene | jlavene@lps.org |
Morley | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Morley | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Morley | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Taylor Vasey | tvasey@lps.org |
Morley | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Morley | School Psychologist | Troy Baker | tbaker2@lps.org |
Morley | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Morley | Coordinator | Lisa Roberson | lrobers@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Speech-Language Pathologist | Caroline Jacobs | cjacobs4@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Hatch | jhatch@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Norwood Park | School Psychologist | Wendy Morrissey | wmorris@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Norwood Park | Coordinator | Kristi Mulliner | kmullin@lps.org |
Park | Speech-Language Pathologist | Katlin Cunningham | kcunnin@lps.org |
Park | Speech-Language Pathologist | Shannon McLain | smclain@lps.org |
Park | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Park | Occupational Therapist | Carla Crist | ccrist@lps.org |
Park | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Park | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Park | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Park | School Psychologist | Mackenzie Callen | mcallen@lps.org |
Park | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Park | Coordinator | Miranda Otte | motte2@lps.org |
Park | Coordinator | Ben Davis | bdavis@lps.org |
Pershing | Speech-Language Pathologist | Sidney Delozier | sdelozie@lps.org |
Pershing | Speech-Language Pathologist | Brooke Anderson | bander10@lps.org |
Pershing | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Pershing | Occupational Therapist | Lisa Wyrick | lwyrick@lps.org |
Pershing | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Pershing | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Pershing | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Pershing | School Psychologist | Anna Tussing | atussing@lps.org |
Pershing | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Pershing | Coordinator | Jaime Olson | jolson4@lps.org |
Pound | Speech-Language Pathologist | Susan Morgan | smorgan3@lps.org |
Pound | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Pound | Occupational Therapist | Missy Sears | msears@lps.org |
Pound | Physical Therapist | Susan Van Brocklin | svanbro@lps.org |
Pound | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Pound | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Pound | School Psychologist | Natalie Hilton | nhilton@lps.org |
Pound | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Pound | Coordinator | Tabitha Schuster | tschust3@lps.org |
Prescott | Speech-Language Pathologist | Bailey Jones | bjonesca@lps.org |
Prescott | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Prescott | Speech-Language Pathologist | Laura Haberacker | lhabera@lps.org |
Prescott | Occupational Therapist | Laurie Miller | lrmiller@lps.org |
Prescott | Physical Therapist | Kari Connelly | kconnel2@lps.org |
Prescott | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Prescott | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Prescott | School Psychologist | Bailey Hinrichs | bhinrich@lps.org |
Prescott | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Prescott | Coordinator | Makaela Johnson | mjohns2@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Speech-Language Pathologist | Emily Ediger | eediger@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Occupational Therapist | Missy Sears | msears@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Pyrtle | School Psychologist | Kelsea Small | ksmall@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Pyrtle | Coordinator | Amber McGregor | mmcgreg@lps.org |
Randolph | Speech-Language Pathologist | Courtney Wolfe | cwolfe3@lps.org |
Randolph | Speech-Language Pathologist | Bailey Jones | bjonesca@lps.org |
Randolph | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Randolph | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Meyer | jmeyer@lps.org |
Randolph | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Randolph | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Randolph | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Randolph | School Psychologist | Maddie Gage | mgage@lps.org |
Randolph | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Randolph | Coordinator | Viviana Morales | vmorale@lps.org |
Riley | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tabitha Hill | thill3@lps.org |
Riley | Speech-Language Pathologist | Claire Frodyma | cfrodyma@lps.org |
Riley | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Riley | Occupational Therapist | Alyssa Rousseau | arousse2@lps.org |
Riley | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Riley | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Riley | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Riley | School Psychologist | Peter Cummings | pcumming@lps.org |
Riley | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Riley | Coordinator | Molly Trumble | mtrumbl2@lps.org |
Robinson | Speech-Language Pathologist | Anna Schulz | aschulz@lps.org |
Robinson | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Robinson | Occupational Therapist | Missy Sears | msears@lps.org |
Robinson | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Robinson | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Robinson | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Taylor Vasey | tvasey@lps.org |
Robinson | School Psychologist | Troy Baker | tbaker2@lps.org |
Robinson | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Robinson | Coordinator | Sharon Eickhoff | seickho@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | Speech-Language Pathologist | Anna Schulz | aschulz@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | Occupational Therapist | Missy Sears | msears@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Taylor Vasey | awilson3@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | School Psychologist | ||
Robinson ISP | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Robinson ISP | Coordinator | Brook Hamrick | bhamrick@lps.org |
Roper | Speech-Language Pathologist | Karen Linderman | klinder@lps.org |
Roper | Speech-Language Pathologist | Brooke Stohs | bstohs@lps.org |
Roper | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Roper | Occupational Therapist | Carla Crist | ccrist@lps.org |
Roper | Physical Therapist | Kari Connelly | kconnel2@lps.org |
Roper | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Roper | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Roper | School Psychologist | Ally Thomsen & Ashley Wagner | athomsen@lps.org/awagner3@lps.org |
Roper | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Roper | Coordinator | Jamie Thavenet | jthavene@lps.org |
Rousseau | Speech-Language Pathologist | Rachel Schlueter | rschlue@lps.org |
Rousseau | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Rousseau | Occupational Therapist | Lisa Wyrick | lwyrick@lps.org |
Rousseau | Physical Therapist | Susan Van Brocklin | svanbro@lps.org |
Rousseau | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Rousseau | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Rousseau | School Psychologist | Anna Tussing | atussing@lps.org |
Rousseau | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Rousseau | Coordinator | Wendy Barry | gbarry@lps.org |
Saratoga | Speech-Language Pathologist | Deb Eastman | deastman@lps.org |
Saratoga | Speech-Language Pathologist | Michelle Wieser | mwieser@lps.org |
Saratoga | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Saratoga | Occupational Therapist | Jodi Rust | jrust1@lps.org |
Saratoga | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Saratoga | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
Saratoga | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Saratoga | School Psychologist | Catelyn Kenney | ckenney@lps.org |
Saratoga | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Saratoga | Coordinator | Amy Monroe | awendte@lps.org |
Schoo | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jen Sinnard | jsinnar@lps.org |
Schoo | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Schoo | Occupational Therapist | Mikaela Buettner | |
Schoo | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Schoo | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Schoo | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Schoo | School Psychologist | Ally Thomsen | athomsen@lps.org |
Schoo | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Schoo | Coordinator | Nicholle Todd | ntodd@lps.org |
Scott | Speech-Language Pathologist | Trent Baker | tbaker7@lps.og |
Scott | Speech-Language Pathologist | Susan Morgan | smorgan3@lps.org |
Scott | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Scott | Occupational Therapist | Holli Longe | hlonge@lps.org |
Scott | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Scott | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
Scott | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Scott | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
Scott | School Psychologist | Kathy Fergen | kfergen@lps.org |
Scott | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Scott | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Scott | Coordinator | Tim Oehring | toehrin@lps.org |
Sheridan | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kim Coffey | kcoffey@lps.org |
Sheridan | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Sheridan | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Meyer | jmeyer@lps.org |
Sheridan | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Sheridan | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Sheridan | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Sheridan | School Psychologist | Shelby Glaser | sglaser2@lps.org |
Sheridan | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Sheridan | Coordinator | Ginny Sellenrick | gsellenr@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Speech-Language Pathologist | Arica Wieting | awiet@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Occupational Therapist | Ashley Grossenbacher | agrossen@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Physical Therapist | Kari Connelly | kconnel2@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
West Lincoln | School Psychologist | Baudelio Abrica | babrica@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
West Lincoln | Coordinator | Sara Rose | srose@lps.org |
Wysong | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kiley Bauer | kbauer2@lps.org |
Wysong | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jamie Swartz | jswartz@lps.org |
Wysong | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Wysong | Occupational Therapist | Jill Lavene | jlavene@lps.org |
Wysong | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Wysong | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Wysong | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Wysong | School Psychologist | Sara Gahan | sgahan@lps.org |
Wysong | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Wysong | Coordinator | Jessica Hughes | jhughes4@lps.org |
Zeman | Speech-Language Pathologist | Becky Boellstorff | Becky Boellstorff |
Zeman | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Zeman | Occupational Therapist | Jill Lavene | jlavene@lps.org |
Zeman | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Zeman | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Zeman | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
Zeman | School Psychologist | Danielle Fleer | ddurham@lps.org |
Zeman | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Zeman | Coordinator | Melissa Cochrane | mcochran@lps.org |
LYCS | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tess Ostdiek | tostdiek@lps.org |
LYCS | Assistive Technology | ||
LYCS | Occupational Therapist | home school therapist | |
LYCS | Physical Therapist | home school therapist | |
LYCS | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | NA | NA |
LYCS | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | NA | NA |
LYCS | School Psychologist | School Psych who is attached to the student's home school | |
LYCS | Audiologist | NA | NA |
LYCS | Coordinator | ||
Independence Academy | Speech-Language Pathologist | Gail Johs | gjohs@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Assistive Technology | Jenny Feeney | jfeeney@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Occupational Therapist | Lisa Wyrick | lwyrick@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Occupational Therapist | Ashley Grossenbacher | agrossen@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Hatch | jhatch@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Occupational Therapist | Penny Laschanzky | plasch@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Meyer | jmeyer@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Occupational Therapist | Laurie Miller | lrmiller@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Physical Therapist | Kari Connelly | kconnel2@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Physical Therapist | Susan Van Brocklin | svanbro@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Jodi Morgan | jmorgan@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ben Lytle | blytle@lps.org |
Independence Academy | School Psychologist | School Psych who is attached to the student's home school | |
Independence Academy | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Independence Academy | Coordinator | Tara Troy | ttroy@lps.org |
DDSEC | Speech-Language Pathologist | Claire Rutherford | colson3@lps.org |
DDSEC | Assistive Technology | Michelle Moser | mmoser@lps.org |
DDSEC | Occupational Therapist | Covered by School Therapist | |
DDSEC | Physical Therapist | Covered by School Therapist | |
DDSEC | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | NA | NA |
DDSEC | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | |
DDSEC | School Psychologist | Molly Kuhl | mkuhl2@lps.org |
DDSEC | Audiologist | NA | NA |
DDSEC | Principal | Cindy Vodicka | cvodicka@lps.org |
Yankee Hill | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jessica Murphy | jmurphy4@lps.org |
Yankee Hill | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Yankee Hill | Occupational Therapist | Covered by School Therapist | |
Yankee Hill | Physical Therapist | Covered by School Therapist | |
Yankee Hill | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | NA | NA |
Yankee Hill | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Yankee Hill | School Psychologist | Molly Kuhl | mkuhl2@lps.org |
Yankee Hill | Audiologist | NA | NA |
Yankee Hill | Principal | Amanda Shonka | ahemen@lps.org |
Nuernberger | Speech-Language Pathologist | Erin Pauley | epauley@lps.org |
Nuernberger | Assistive Technology | Megan Bailey | mbailey@lps.org |
Nuernberger | Occupational Therapist | Covered by School Therapist | |
Nuernberger | Physical Therapist | Covered by School Therapist | |
Nuernberger | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | NA | NA |
Nuernberger | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Anne Wilson | awilson3@lps.org |
Nuernberger | School Psychologist | Middle School Psych who is attached to the student's home school | |
Nuernberger | Audiologist | NA | NA |
Nuernberger | Principal | James Boedeker | jboedek@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Angie Green | agreen@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Becky Boellstroff | rboells@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Betsy Carr | ecarr@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Brooke Stohs | bstohs@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Emily Ediger | eediger@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Jen Sinnard | jsinnar@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kathy Dawson | kdawson@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kiley Bauer | kbauer2@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Kim Coffey | kcoffey@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Laura Sousek | lsousek@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Lauryl McClintick | lmcclin2@lps.org |
Non Public | Speech-Language Pathologist | Tiffany Sander | tsander@lps.org |
Non Public | Assistive Technology | Patty Daberkow | pdaberk@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Lisa Wyrick | lwyrick@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Holli Longe | hlonge@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Alyssa Rousseau | arousse2@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Hatch | jhatch@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Missy Sears | msears@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Heidi Bartlett-Allen | hbartlet@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Jodi Rust | jrust1@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Jill Lavene | jgoddar@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Jessica Meyer | jmeyer@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Penny Laschanzky | plasch@lps.org |
Non Public | Occupational Therapist | Ashley Grossenbacher | agrossen@lps.org |
Non Public | Physical Therapist | Molly Morton | mmorton@lps.org |
Non Public | Physical Therapist | Beth Ludwig | bludwig@lps.org |
Non Public | Physical Therapist | Susan Van Brocklin | svanbro@lps.org |
Non Public | Physical Therapist | Matt Lunn | mlunn@lps.org |
Non Public | Physical Therapist | Heidi Longe | hlonge1@lps.org |
Non Public | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holli Luff | hluff@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Olivia Garcia-Versaw | oversaw@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Tamera Belew | tb@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Alyse Krejdl | akrejdl@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Julia Dowling Wobig | jwobig3@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ko Inamura | kinam@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Monica Gotschall | mgotsch@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Taylor Vasey | tvasey@lps.org |
Non Public | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Jill Ihde | jihde@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Mackenzie Callen | mcallen@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Hannah Scholes | hscholes@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Kathy Fergen | kfergen@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Breanna Gal | bgal@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Kelly Thiemann | kthiema@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Sue Oliver | soliver@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Amy Lyons | alyons@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Dani Dornbusch | ddornbu@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Cassie Dietrich | cdietric@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Danielle Fleer | dfleer@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Shelby Glaser | sglaser2@lps.org |
Non Public | School Psychologist | Wendy Morrissey | wmorris@lps.org |
Non Public | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Non Public | Audiologist | Kristin Jolkowski | kjolkows@lps.org |
Non Public | Supervisor | Amy Maschka | amaschka@lps.org |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Speech-Language Pathologist | ||
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Assistive Technology | ||
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Occupational Therapist | Lisa Wyrick | lwyrick@lps.org |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Occupational Therapist | Penny Laschanzky | plasch@lps.org |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Physical Therapist | Jen Goddard | jgoddar@lps.org |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Holly Flanagan-Matzen | hflanag@lps.org |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Teacher of the Visually Impaired | Ann Hilton | ahilton@lps.org |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | School Psychologist | School Psych who is attached to the student's home school | |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Audiologist | Cara Frost | cfrost@lps.org |
Focus Arts/Science/Bay/FP | Coordinator |