Welcome to Lincoln

Photo of the Nebraska State Capitol

We are so glad you have decided to move to the Lincoln community.  Lincoln is a growing community, which provides many opportunities for students and their families.

If your child has a disability, we are ready to assist you with the next steps

  1. Make sure your student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) is updated from your current school district.
  2. Contact your student’s soon to be LPS school to let them know your child has an IEP.  The school administrator who oversees special education will schedule a meeting with you to go over your child’s needs and special education services.
  3. Provide all special education paperwork to the LPS school.

LPS provides quality special education services to students. You will find,

  • Students are served at their home attendance or neighborhood school,
  • Specialized programs are provided for students with significant needs (ask your building administrator more about these programs),
  • A variety of service delivery models are provided to help your student access the general education curriculum,
  • Transportation is provided when a student needs assistance getting to school due to his/her disability.  A student must attend his/her home attendance/neighborhood school,
  • LPS hires all related service providers (occupational therapists, physical therapists, school psychologists, deaf and hard of hearing teachers, teachers of the visually impaired, speech/language pathologists, assistive technology specialists, autism specialists), which makes it convenient for your child to be served within his/her school.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Lincoln Public Schools District Office at 402-436-1905.