Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered in Lincoln Public Schools high school social studies departments.  Advanced Placement courses are distinct from differentiated and honors courses in that students are taught a nationally-certified curriculum and are exposed to the rigor of introductory college-level work, with the support of their high school teachers.  There are no prerequisites for students who choose to take an Advanced Placement course, but in an AP level course, students should be able to read and understand college-level texts independently, and should possess the initiative to work in a rigorous and fast paced environment.  Students in AP classes earn weighted credit in their high school GPA.

Social studies departments offer “AP Human Geography & Civics” as a 9th grade Advanced Placement course.  It is the only Advanced Placement course offered to 9th graders.  The course is designed as an introduction to AP courses and provides support for students as they hone the sophisticated reading, writing, and study skills necessary to be successful in the class.  Students in AP social studies courses need to plan on dedicating time outside of the school day to prepare for the course.  Before enrolling in “AP Human Geography & Civics,” please consider the following criteria: Is Your Student Ready for Advanced Placement Human Geography & Civics?  Middle School and High School social studies teachers and counselors are excellent resources for questions about Advanced Placement course expectations.  Please also take a few minutes to listen to AP Human Geography teachers and students by watching the video below:

Bear in mind that AP Human Geography is open to students to take as an elective in Grades 10-12, as opposed to Grade 9 (when the course is initially offered).  Advanced Placement courses are not an “all or nothing” program.  Students have the option to pick and choose courses which align with their strengths and interests.  The following AP Social Studies courses are available to students at all LPS high schools and meet all high school graduation requirements.  Please note that AP African American Studies (full year) is also offered at several high schools for elective credit.  Check with your student’s particular building for availability.

Grade AP Social Studies Course
AP Human Geography & Civics (full year)**
AP Modern World History (full year)**
AP United States History (full year)**
AP American Government (one semester)**
AP Psychology (full year)
AP Macroeconomics (one semester)

* Students may choose to enroll in AP Human (Grades 10-12) and AP Modern World (Grades 11-12) as an elective course.

**During the 2024-2025 school year, students who choose to take the AP Human Geography, AP World: Modern, AP United States History, or AP American Government exam for potential college credit through the College Board will have their exam fees paid for, largely due to a grant from the federal government that allows LPS to cover fees for these courses specifically (through our partnership with Nebraska Wesleyan University).  

The College Board’s Advanced Placement program enables willing and academically prepared students to pursue college-level studies with the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school.  For more information about Advanced Placement classes, including course descriptions and details about earning college credit, please see the College Board’s Advanced Placement website.

In addition to the College Board’s AP exams in May, many AP social studies courses are also available for dual enrollment, which is another pathway to earn college credit while still in high school.  Check with your student’s teacher, social studies department chair, or counselor for information about your student’s particular school and course.