WebTMA is the Work Request / Work Order system for Lincoln Public Schools.  You can submit a work request through WebTMA for any problem from a roof leak to flooring material and anything in between and a work order will be created.  A sign-in name and password are required to use WebTMA. 

Use WebTMA to gain access to Facilities and Maintenance Service Center to submit a work request, to query a work request or work order, or to search by a work request number or work order number.  (Note: the entire work order number must be used when querying a work order (i.e., OP-12345678).

WebTMA Authorization Form

This form must be sent to Facilities and Maintenance for approval before access will be granted. Click on TMA & Web Client Authorization Form and complete the form for authorization to enter work requests in WebTMA and/or access Web Client schedules for door/HVAC equipment.

WebTMA Training

WebTMA training is available at Here.

Work Request Guidelines

Work Request guidelines are available

For assistance with WebTMA requests and work orders call Samatha Ferguson (82005)

For administrative or password issues Dan Wild (82008)