- HelpNow for Homework from the Lincoln City Libraries – Use your 6-digit LPS ID number as both your username and PIN number to log in to this site provides live chat support with tutors from 2:00 pm to 11:00 p.m. Support is available in English and Spanish.
- Khan Academy – Instructional videos to further explain concepts covered in a variety of classes.
- Crash Course – YouTube channel with educational videos covering topics from many different subject areas.
- March2Success – ACT & SAT practice tests and preparation materials provided by the US Army – the site is free and there is no obligation.
- LPS Secondary Math Resources – District website that provides step-by-step tutorials for concepts in every Math textbook, plus helpful information for parents.
- NHS Peer Tutoring (with LSW student tutors outside of school hours) – Current students may drop-in for help with assignments in any class. Drop-in tutoring is available in the LSW Media Center on PLC days, from 2:05-3:05 p.m. Students may also request their own individual tutor to meet with regularly. There are a limited number of student tutors available. Students should complete the Request a Tutor form linked in the menu above if they would like to request an individual tutor