Registration Resources

Preparing for High School 2025-2026

The Lincoln Southeast Registration Supplement and LPS Online Course Guide are available to assist with registration for next year’s classes. Students are encouraged to select courses that are:

  1. applicable to LPS graduation requirements;
  2. consistent with past performance and accomplishments; and
  3. compatible with educational and career plans.

Students should obtain information that is related to their particular educational or career plans before they select classes for next school year. For example, students may want to have information about:

  1. Entrance requirements for post-high school educational programs like two-and four-year colleges/universities, vocational/technical school and others.
  2. Academic course selections that prepare students for national standardized tests, such as the PSAT, ACT, SAT Reasoning, SAT Subject Testing and Advanced Placement tests.
  3. Courses that provide advanced placement standing at area colleges and/or credit for courses without paying tuition.
  4. Courses helpful for entry-level positions with potential employers for those who enter the labor market directly from high school.
  5. Core curriculum requirements for student-athletes seeking eligibility/scholarships at NCAA Division 1 & 2, and NAIA schools.    

Registration Supplements

Registration Instructions

Registrations Menus