Gifted Education at LPS

Lincoln Public Schools offers opportunities for gifted and highly gifted students in an effort to develop the academic abilities of all students to their highest potential. Developing skills for in-depth study and self-directed learning are important goals of the program. Students learn from interaction with other students of similar abilities, develop leadership skills, and work to acquire an understanding of their abilities. The gifted program offers differentiated curricula based on the regular curricula. Students are identified for the gifted program using multiple criteria including outstanding performance, behavioral checklists; product review; standardized tests; and psychological assessment. Differentiated curricula are developed to suit the learning needs of gifted and talented young people. Differentiated lessons for gifted students may modify content, process, product, and learning environment.


K-6 gifted students are grouped to participate in differentiated literature and differentiated math classes.

Middle School (Grades 7-8)

Gifted students are offered differentiated classes in English, science, math, and social studies.

High School

In high school, students are encouraged to select courses that are challenging and suited to their interests. Options include differentiated classes, Advanced Placement courses, and an International Baccalaureate Programme.

Dr. Joan Jacobs
