July 7 State ACT Canceled

All NSCAS testing, which includes the State ACT, are canceled for the 2019-20 school year. For more information visit the Nebraska Department of Education at https://www.education.ne.gov/assessment/

Senior Announcements

Lincoln Graduation will be at East handing out Senior Announcements on Thursday, March 19 from 7:30-9:00 AM in the senior hallway. After 9:00, students may pick up their announcements in the Counseling Center. Questions: See Mrs. Cruickshank in the Counseling Center.

National Honor Society

National Honor Society Eligibility Lists are now posted on the Main Office and Counseling Center windows!  All eligible juniors and seniors can pick up an application in the Counseling Center.  Completed application forms MUST be returned to the Counseling Center by Monday, March 2, 2020. To be eligible for membership you must be a junior […]

TCA Career Explorations Fair

The Career Academy (TCA) is hosting a Career Explorations Fair for 9th, 10th & 11th graders and their parents to learn more about top career options.  It’s never too early to start thinking about career choices for students. Attend the TCA Career Explorations Fair anytime between 1-3:00 PM on Sunday, February 9th located at 88th […]

National Honor Society Tutoring begins Tuesday, January 28th

Do you need extra help in a class? Then sign up for NHS tutoring in your google classroom or in the Counseling Center. One-on-One tutoring will be every Tuesday from 2:15-3:15 p.m. during PLC time in room 130E. AP help sessions meet once a month and ACT study sessions will meet once a week for […]

2020-21 Registration

Students who are currently in grades 9-11 will work with counselors during the following classes and dates: Current Juniors:  US History classes | January 27-31, 2020 Current Sophomores:  English classes | February 3-7, 2020 Current Freshmen:  English classes | February 10-21, 2020 Counselors encourage students to talk with their current teachers for class recommendations and […]

Cap and Gown Orders

The deadline to order your cap and gown before the price goes up is February 1, 2020. A representative from Lincoln Graduation will be at East on January 16th and 17th from 7:30-9:00 a.m. in the senior hallway to answer your questions you may have regarding ordering.   To order visit LincolnGraduation.com or call Lincoln […]

2020 Graduation List

The 2020 Graduation List is posted on the Counseling Center window and also in the 2020 google classroom.  Seniors, please CHECK your name for correct spelling of your complete legal first, middle & last name as listed on your birth certificate. If you want to make any corrections, please see Ms. Kelley, our registrar in […]

Semester 2 Schedule Changes

Walk in Schedule Changes for S2 are closed on December 17th at 3:00 PM.   On Wednesday, December 18th, Thursday, December 19th, and Friday, December 20th counselors will only make schedule changes for the reasons listed below.  Please note: Students must go their finals first and if they have time, can request a pass to see their counselor. […]

PSAT Score Reports Are In

Juniors and sophomores who took the Saturday, October 19th PSAT test can NOW pick up a hard copy of their scores in the counseling center during lunch or before or after school.