Did You Miss Your Course Request Session?

Counselors will meet with students who need to complete their 2021-22 Course Registration on March 4 during the following periods. March 4th: Current 9th Grade | Periods 1, 2–come to the Commons March 4th: ANYONE | Periods 7, 8–come to the Commons  Please reach out to your counselor or stop in the counseling center if you have […]

Juniors are YOU eligible for National Honor Society?

The National Honor Society list is posted on the main office and counseling center windows and also in the 2022 Graduating Google Classroom. All JUNIORS who are eligible were sent an invitation in their LPS school email to join the NHS Eligibility Classroom where juniors wishing to apply can complete the application and learn about […]

Registration Q & A Sessions via Zoom

Lincoln East School Counselors are hosting 3 zoom sessions to answer any questions about 21-22 Course Requests.  These will be an open house format so feel free to stop in the zoom room during anytime during one of the sessions listed below.  The goal of these sessions is to help answer quick questions about how […]

Registration for the 2021-22 School Year

Students who are currently in grades 9-11 will work with counselors during the following classes and dates: Current Juniors:  US History classes | February 10-12, 2021 Current Sophomores:  English classes | February 1-5, 2021 Current Freshmen:  English classes | February 8, 9, 16 & 19, 2021 Counselors encourage students to talk with their current teachers […]

Graduation Products

Seniors, the deadline to order your cap, gown, and other graduation products is February 1, 2021. After the 1st an additional $15 late fee will be added to your order. Place your order directly on-line at https://signaturegraduation.com/pages/choose-your-school.

2021 Graduation List

The 2021 Graduation list is posted in the Senior 2021 Google Classroom  and on the Counseling Center window. Seniors, please CHECK your name for correct spelling of your complete legal first, middle & last name as listed on your birth certificate. If you want to make any corrections, please see Ms. Kelley, our registrar in […]

TCA Information Sessions

Interested in exploring a career pathway? Attend an informational session to gather information about different career pathways, tour the facility, and experience what The Career Academy is all about!

Registration for the 2021-22 School Year Will Begin in January

Students who are currently in grades 9-11 will work with counselors during the following classes and dates: Current Juniors:  US History classes | January 25-29, 2021 Current Sophomores:  English classes | February 1-5, 2021 Current Freshmen:  English classes | February 8, 9, 15 & 19, 2021 Counselors encourage students to talk with their current teachers […]

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Pass/Fail) Grade Request Deadline Extended

Due to the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, students may choose to receive an S/U mark rather than a letter grade until December 22, 2020. In addition, there will not be a limit on the number of courses a student can select for S/U grading during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year (Term 2). Please note […]