8th Grade Informational Night

Did you miss the 8th Grade Informational Night at East High on Wednesday, January 12th? Let us introduce ourselves… our Counseling Team!

Senior Graduation List

ATTENTION SENIORS! In your 2022 Graduating Google Classroom is the Senior Grad List. Please CHECK the attachment for the correct spelling of your complete legal first, middle & last name as listed on your birth certificate, which will appear on your graduation diploma.  To correct errors, please see Ms. Kelley, our registrar in the Counseling Center or email Ms. Kelley at kkelley4@lps.org. Deadline for making corrections is January 14, 2022.

2nd Semester Schedule Changes

As we begin a new semester on January 5th, below is the guideline for schedule changes. Students need to keep in mind many changes such as lunch and teacher requests, and course selections needed to be done at the end of 1st semester. Check your 2nd semester schedule carefully on Synergy. If you need to make a schedule change, follow the […]

PreACT Test Information for Thursday, November 4th

On Thursday, November 4th, the PreACT assessment will be administered to students who are in 10th and 11th grade. ALL sophomores and juniors are expected to take the PreACT. This will be a non-school day for current freshmen and seniors– only those students taking the PreACT will need to report to school that day.  On […]

Message From Our Cap and Gown Representatives

Hello Seniors, We hope your Senior year is off to a good start! We are reaching out with information about ordering your cap and gown for graduation. How to Place Your Order: Go to https://signaturegraduation.com/pages/choose-your-school You will be able to order your cap, gown and tassel as well as other items to commemorate your Senior year. Your […]

Why Take the ASVAB?

Students can use the ASVAB to consider work-related values, make career decisions, learn about educational opportunities, and understand how to use their interests and skills in a career.  The ASVAB  will be given on November 18, 2021 from 8:15-11:30 AM in the media center. Cost is free. Register by November 8 in your Graduation Google Classroom. […]

Graduation Announcements and Cap & Gown Ordering

Seniors/parents can view all graduation products and place your order directly on-line at www.signaturegraduation.com. Signature Graduation is shipping all products to the address students/parents provide when they place their order. The only exception is Free and Reduced Lunch caps and gowns will be delivered to the school at the beginning of May for  students to […]

Late Schedule Change Procedures for the Start of the School Year.

9th Grade: On August 16th 10th-12th grade: On August 17th Only students with the following ERRORS on their schedules will be seen for schedule changes on a walk-in basis. Taken and passed a class on their S1 schedule See Counselor Have not met a pre-requisite for a class on their S1 schedule Do not have a lunch period Missing a class period […]

Schedule Change Procedures

Starting today, July 19, Students/Parents will be able to view their 2021-22 course schedule in StudentVue/ParentVue, on the Class Schedule tab. Your schedule will have 8 periods listed: 7 classes and 1 lunch. Please review your schedule closely and if you need to make a ZOOM appointment with your counselor to make a schedule change, […]

Information About Schedules

Schedules will be available to view on ParentVUE or StudentVUE on July 19th.  For your planning purposes, counselors will be hosting Schedule Change appointment times via zoom on various days between July 20th and August 13th.  Instructions on how to make an appointment with your alpha counselor will be mailed out prior to July 19th. More […]