Semester 1 Finals: December 20th, 21st and 22nd

– Students will need to have their ID to enter the building.– All students may come to any or all support times but are not required to come to any of them.– Students do not need to come to school during their scheduled lunch period. Tuesday, December 20th Wednesday, December 21st Thursday, December 22nd Support: […]

Student Calendar Changes Approved on November 8

Last week, the Lincoln Board of Education voted to revise the student calendar to provide staff with two more plan days this school year. There will be no classes for students on Dec. 9, 2022, and Feb. 21, 2023. You can find the updated student calendar on our website here: What does this mean for your […]

PreACT Test for Sophomores

On Thursday, November 3rd, the Pre-ACT assessment will be administered to students who are in 10th grade. ALL sophomores are expected to take the Pre-ACT as this gives students the opportunity to take a practice version of the ACT. There will be no school for students in the 9th, 11th, and 12th grades on Thursday, […]

AP Students Exam Registration

AP Students: AP Exam Registration is OPEN. Window for registration and payment is October 3rd – October 28th. Please note:  STUDENTS ONLY MUST COMPLETE THE ONLINE REGISTRATION AND FORMS.  Check your school email for detailed information from Ms. Harder about AP exam registration.

The Career Academy Fall Open House

The Career Academy (TCA) is hosting a Fall Open House for 8th-12th graders and their parents to learn more about top career options. Attend the TCA Open House anytime between 1-3:00 PM on Sunday, October 23 located at 88th & O Street. Meet TCA students and instructors, see demonstrations and register for prizes. See how […]

NCAA College Bound Student-Athlete Informational Meetings

Guest speaker, Kalyn Byers, Associate Director of Compliance with UNL will be speaking to student-athletes and their parents about recruiting and NCAA initial eligibility for college athletics.  Choose from four presentations. East High will hold their presentation on November 1, 2022. Questions, contact the EHS athletic office at 402-436-1313. Four Meetings to Choose FromAll presentations […]

Academic Hour

Academic hour will be starting Monday August 29th from 3:15-4:15 p.m. For math help, students can go to room 108 every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. All other subjects can get help in the Media Center every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Get help on homework, quietly study, or schedule a time with your teacher to […]

Information Regarding Schedules and Changes

Starting today, July 18th, Students/Parents will be able to view their 2022-23 course schedule in StudentVue/ParentVue, on the Class Schedule tab. Your schedule will have 8 periods listed: 7 classes and 1 lunch.  Please review your schedule closely and if you need to make a ZOOM appointment with your counselor to make a schedule change, please follow […]

Senior Honors and Graduation Information

The Senior Letter titled East High Senior Program and Graduation Information was sent out last night (5-5-2022) to all seniors and parents/guardians. This letter is filled with LOTS of end-of-the-year information.

Juniors, Are You Eligible for National Honor Society?

National Honor Society eligibility lists are now posted on the Main Office and Counseling Center windows and the 2023 Graduation Google classroom!  All eligible juniors were sent an invitation through their LPS email to join the NHS Eligibility Google classroom.  To be eligible for membership consideration you must be a current junior with a weighted […]