Frustrated with Finals Approaching?
Get a tutor, National Honor Society Tutors are available in the library during Academic Hour which is located in the media center.
Second Semester Schedules
All students—please check your second semester schedule on synergy for any errors. Error examples are: missing periods, see counselor notations, wrong math or language course. If you find an ERROR—Please come to the counseling center to request to see your counselor, or fill out an error correct form with Mrs. Cruickshank, by December 16.
Graduation List Posted
The 2017 Graduation List is posted on the Counseling Center window. Seniors, please CHECK your name for correct spelling of your complete legal first, middle & last name as listed on your birth certificate. If you want to make any corrections, please see Ms. Hare, our registrar in the Counseling Center. Deadline for corrections: January […]
Service Hours for Graduation
Don’t forget all seniors need 20 hours of community service to graduate. Students will learn more from their Government and Politics teachers as they take the course, but all hours have to be done while the student is a SENIOR, and must be completed by the end of whichever semester they have Government class. All […]
The Career Academy is taking applications now!
The Career Academy’s 2016-17 on-line application is now open! Go to to apply for next school year. Also, TCA invites current 10th and 11th graders to our fall TCA Information Sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning September 27. Meet the instructors, experience the hands-on instruction and learn how “doing high school differently” might be […]
Do You Need Community Service Hours?
Volunteers are needed for the 10th Annual Spartan Golf Classic which will be held on Friday, June 17th at HiMark Golf Course. If you’re a current junior you can earn your community service hours for GoPo by volunteering for this event. To volunteer go to Hour approval forms are available from any Government and […]
Coming Soon, Senior Announcements!
Representatives from Lincoln Graduation will be at Lincoln East on Thursday, March 31 to hand out senior announcements. Seniors may pick up announcements in the commons area from 7:30-9:00 a.m. Not sure you ordered your cap and gown? Call Lincoln Graduation at 402-937-0812.
How to Manage Senioritis
By RJ Vega in College Prep on February 25, 2016 Soon the weather will get warmer and thoughts of freedom will sneak into our minds. For high school seniors, the end is already in sight: Graduation. It’s easy to just coast on cruise control from now until graduation; my advice… DON’T cruise! Admit it to […]
Nebraska Job Corps
Job Corps is a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or high school equivalency, and find and keep a good job. For eligible young people at least 16 years of age that qualify as low income, Job Corps provides the all-around skills needed to […]
Seniors, Have You Ordered Your Cap and Gown?
Deadline to order your cap and gown before the price goes up is February 1st, 2016. A representative from Lincoln Graduation will be at East on January 19th and 20th from 7:30-9:00 in the senior hallway to answer your questions you may have regarding orders. Order directly online at