Counselor Q and A Session

East High counselors will be in the commons area TODAY during PLC to help with any registration questions students may have for next year.

Evening Help Sessions

East counselors will be available to meet with parents and answer questions about the 2017 registration process and course selections on February 23, 28 and March 2 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in room 152 (computer lab).  Although your student’s assigned counselor may not be available, our goal for these sessions is that the counselors […]

Sophomore Registration Begins This Week!

This week sophomores will start the registration process for classes for the 2017-18 school year. Counselors will meet with students during their English classes.  If a student is absent on the day of registration, the counselors will have make up sessions later. See all registration resources on the counseling center website under Registration Resources.

Counselor Q and A Sessions

During PLC on the following 3 days, counselors will be at a table in the commons to help with any registration questions students may have. January 31 February 7 February 21

Juniors, It’s Time To Start Choosing Classes For Your Senior Year!

Counselors will meet with you during your US History class NEXT week (January 23-27). In the meantime, you can start thinking about what you need to take next year in order to meet graduation requirements and be prepared for college or whatever your goal is after high school. Remember that high school is your last […]

Food Bank of Lincoln

Students needing volunteer hours for classes can now sign up to volunteer at the Food Bank of Lincoln on the following dates: Saturday, February 18: 1-4:00 PM Friday, March 17: 9-Noon or 1-4:00 PM Saturday, March 18: 1-4:00 PM Friday, April 14: 9-Noon or 1-4:00 PM Saturday, April 19: 1-4:00 PM The maximum group size […]

They’re Back!

Lincoln Graduation Reps will be back one final time on January 11 and 12, 7:30-9:00 AM—in senior hallway. You can order your cap/gown and announcements in person that day or go online at Can’t remember is you ordered your cap and gown? They will be able to look that up for you, stop by […]

Welcome Back

As you return to school on January 4th remember to pick up your yellow second semester schedule in the following locations. Seniors – Senior Hallway Juniors – Cafeteria Freshmen & Sophomores – Commons

LPS Seniors with Data on Google Drive

This message is very important for LPS seniors (graduates) with data on Google Drive that they wish to take with them.  EVERY senior is encouraged to retrieve this data prior to leaving LPS.  Even if they are unsure if you will ever want it, it is very important to grab it.  As soon as they leave […]