October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Please use the links below to view resources and activity ideas: stompoutbully.org – prevention activities stopbullying.gov – information and resources cyberbullying.org – cyberbullying research center

Frustrated in Class? Get a Tutor!

National Honor Society students will be tutoring after school during Tuesday PLC’s, beginning Tuesday, September 26 in the media center. Students looking for some extra help must sign-up in the Counseling Center by 3:00 p.m. every MONDAY. For more information see Mrs. Cruickshank in the Counseling Center.

Graduation Announcements and Cap and Orders

Sometime in September, Seniors will receive in the mail an Informational Packet from our cap and gown/announcements representative, Lincoln Graduation with information about ordering their cap & gown and graduation announcements.  Each packet contains graduation information and a detailed order form inside. A representative from Lincoln Graduation will be here on Tuesday, October 3rd and […]

Career Exploration Fair at TCA

The Career Academy (TCA) is hosting a Career Explorations Fair on Sunday, September 24th at Southeast Community College located at 8800 O Street from 1-3:00PM. This Career Fair is open to 9th and 10th graders and their parents.  Park in the lower south parking lot at SCC. Students will learn more about career pathways, meet […]

Schedules, Schedules, Schedules!

Students will receive schedules through the mail in mid-July.  Instructions will be included on how and when to make an appointment with the student’s alpha counselor.  There will be appointment dates in late July as well as the week before school starts,  and there will be walk-in (no appointment needed) time on Aug. 2 and […]

Important Notice To All Seniors

Seniors remember to remove all of your data that you have stored on Google Drive. Even if you are unsure that you will ever want it in the future, it is very important to grab it now. As of graduation day, it will no longer be available to you! For directions on how to remove […]

Commencement Reminders

Commencement Exercises The Fiftieth Annual Commencement Ceremony will take place at Bob Devaney Sports Center on Sunday, May 28th at 4:30 p.m.  All graduates will report to the staging area by 3:15 p.m. to receive last minute instructions and to organize the “Senior Walk.” Appropriate Dress Men:  Dress shoes and socks; dress slacks (no shorts); […]

2017-18 Schedules

All current 9, 10, and 11th graders can pick up NEXT YEAR’S schedule in the commons on Monday, May 15 before 1st period.  If you see a problem with your courses, there will be instructions on the back of the schedule on how to request a change.  Any schedule not picked up by the end […]

National Honor Society Elections

Attention NHS members! Now is the time to run for a NHS office for the 2017-18 school year. If you want to run for President, VicePresident, or Secretary, pick up your application packet in the Counseling Center. Applications must be returned by May 11th, 3rd period. No applications will be accepted after that time. On […]