Need a Transcript? Follow These steps:
Come to the Counseling Center and complete a yellow transcript card with Ms. Hare our registrar. Return card to Ms. Hare our school registrar. Ms. Hare will make sure your transcript gets to where you request it to go. NOTE: If you are applying to a scholarship (Buffett, LPS Foundation) or a common application (Common […]
Frustrated? Get A Tutor!
National Honor Society has started up PLC tutoring once again. If you’re needing some EXTRA HELP sign-up in the Counseling Center by 3:00 p.m. every MONDAY.
2018 Graduation List
Seniors, there is still time to check the 2018 Graduation List that’s posted on the Counseling Center window. Please CHECK your name for correct spelling of your complete legal first, middle & last name as listed on your birth certificate. If you want to make any corrections, please see Ms. Hare, our registrar in the […]
Seniors Have You Ordered Your Graduation Announcements or Cap & Gown?
The deadline to order your cap and gown before the price goes up is February 1, 2018. A representative from Lincoln Graduation will be at East on January 22nd and 23rd from 7:30-9:00 a.m. in the senior hallway to answer your questions you may have regarding orders. Order your cap and gown or announcements directly […]
Understanding Your Pre-ACT Results
Spartan Families– All “Using Your Pre-ACT Results” materials used in the interpretation session held today during PLC is now available to view in counseling google classrooms and here using the following links. Links: East Pre-ACT – Understanding Your Test Results Using Your Pre-ACT Results If you have questions: In January we will be offering 2 dates […]
Students Please Check Your Counseling Google Classrooms
Important announcements regarding semester 2 schedules and changes are posted in your classrooms. If you are not a member of your graduating class’ counseling google classroom, please stop in the counseling center to get the code to join.
Seniors, Stop By The Counseling Center and Why You Ask?
The 2018 Graduation List is posted on the Counseling Center window. Seniors, please CHECK your name for correct spelling of your complete legal first, middle & last name as listed on your birth certificate. If you want to make any corrections, please see Ms. Hare, our registrar in the Counseling Center. Deadline for corrections is […]
PreACT Interpretation Session
All 10th and 11th graders who took the PreACT will receive their score packets the last 10 minutes of period 4 classes on Tuesday, December 19th. There will also be an interpretation session with counselors during PLC time on the 19th. The 20 minute interpretation session will start at 2:15 in the auditorium. If absent […]
Second Semester Changes
It’s time to finalize second semester schedules! Please check your second semester schedule over carefully. If you need to make adjustments please stop by the counseling center and make an appointment to see your counselor to work on those changes. All changes should be made prior to finals.
PreAct Assessment
On Tuesday, November 7, the PreACT assessment will be administered to all Lincoln Public Schools students who are in 10th and 11th grades. The PreACT will give students an opportunity to take a practice version of the ACT that all students will take in April of their 11th grade year. This is a non-school day […]