Graduation Announcements
Seniors if you ordered graduation announcements you can pick them up in the commons area on Monday, March 26 from 7:30-9:00 am in the morning. If you miss picking up your announcements, stop by the Counseling Center and see Mrs. Cruickshank.
National Honor Society Apps Due Today!
Eligible students who want to apply must have their applications into the Counseling Center by 3:30 (March 2, 2018).
Are YOU Eligible For National Honor Society?
National Honor Society eligibility lists are now posted on the Main Office and Counseling Center windows! All eligible juniors and seniors can pick up an application in the Counseling Center. Completed application forms must be returned to the Counseling Center by Friday, March 2, 2018. To be eligible for membership you must be a junior […]
Make-up Session
9th Graders: Did you miss your registration session for next year’s classes last week? No worries—come to the make-up session on Wednesday, February 14 during 6th period in the media center. Let Mrs. Cruickshank know if you have any questions!
AP Exams
AP Students, if you are planning on taking any of the AP exams in May – this is for you! The Informational sessions for students about AP exams and registration will be held on Tuesday, February 13th. These will be located in the auditorium Periods 1 through 6. AP students talk with your AP teachers about attending!
Seniors, Mark Your Calendar!
Graduation Announcements will arrive on Monday, March 26 and will be handed out in the commons from 7:30-9:00 am in the morning. Have YOU ordered your gap and gown for graduation? To place your cap and gown order go to or call 402-937-0812.
Make-up Registration Session For Current Sophomores
Sophomores: Did you miss your registration session for next year’s classes last week or maybe you were at TCA or one of our focus schools? No worries—come to the make-up session on Friday, February 9 during 3rd period in the media center. Let Mrs. Cruickshank know if you have any questions!
Interested In Learning More About The Career Academy?
Get signed up for VISIT TCA Day scheduled for Monday, February 26, 12:45-3:00 PM. Students are asked to sign up by completing this link: also pick up a Visit TCA Flyer, TCA Bus Schedule/Pick Up Location and TCA Field Trip form in the East High Counseling Center. Completed TCA field trip forms can be […]
Make-up Session for Current Juniors
Juniors: Did you miss your registration session for next year’s classes last week? No worries—come to the make-up session on Friday, February 2 during 6th period in the media center. Let Mrs. Cruickshank know if you have any questions!
Cap and Gown Deadline
Seniors order your cap and gown before February 1st. The cost to order your cap, gown and tassel is $20.00. A late fee of $15.00 will be added to orders received after the February 1st deadline. If you have questions or still need to order visit