Community Service Hours

JUNIORS: Please review the new expectations for your COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS for graduation. You can also find all the info you need by going to, jump code OAGZ Please let your counselor or your US History teacher know if you have ANY questions!

Sem 2 Finals Schedule

May 22 Period 1 Final: 8-9:30 a.m. Period 3 Final: 9:45-11:15 a.m. Lunch Period 5 Final: 12:00-1:30 p.m. May 23 Period 6 Final: 8-9:30 a.m. Period 7 Final: 9:45-11:15 a.m. Lunch (optional) May 24 Period 2 Final: 8-9:30 a.m. Period 4 Final: 9:45-11:30 a.m. Lunch (optional)

Summer School Registration

Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 16th at 3:15 PM is the FINAL opportunity for students to turn in Summer School registration forms at East.  OPEN/LATE registration will be held at North Star on May 29th, 30th and 31st from 1-3:00 PM. Summer School schedules will be mailed home on May 21st.

Final Transcripts

Seniors planning on attending a post-secondary school must complete a “Request for Final Transcript” form and return it to Ms. Hare in the Counseling Center before a final transcript will be sent. Forms will be available in the Counseling Center. Final transcripts will not be mailed until after June 7, 2018. Class ranks and GPA […]


Starting April 30, Juniors may sign up for summer school. Registration is open at East from April 30-May 16.  All paperwork must be signed by school counselor and parent/guardian then turned in with payment to Mrs. Hansel in the main office.  After May 16, all registrations will be taken at Lincoln North Star during the […]

Graduation Information – Class of 2018

As the end-of-the-year approaches, the high school journey for our seniors is coming to a close and for our parents/guardians this is a very special moment. Below is a link to the Senior Letter from our East High Administrative Team which contains end-of-the-year activities, commencement information and expectations. For your planning purposes please read them […]

Important Message For All Seniors

This is a very important message for LPS Seniors (graduates) with data on Google Drive that they wish to take with them.  LPS urges EVERY Senior to retrieve this data prior to leaving LPS.  Even if the student is unsure if they will ever want it, it is very important to grab it NOW.  As soon as […]

2018 Summer School Dates

East students may register for summer school in the East High Counseling Center on the following dates: Week of April 23:       Current LPS Seniors Only Week of April 30:       Current LPS Seniors & Juniors Only Week of May 7:           Current 9-12 LPS Students NO registrations will be accepted after May 16 at […]

TCA Juniors

TCA juniors that are not here during periods 1-2-3 to do preregistration for the State ACT will do their registration on Wednesday, March 28 at the start of period 4 in the cafeteria.

Junior State ACT Test

All juniors on Tuesday, April 3rd will take the State ACT test beginning at 8:00 AM. This is a JUNIOR ONLY day. There is no cost for this exam. Juniors will be dismissed from school immediately following the exam. Seniors, sophomores and freshman WILL NOT report to school on this day. NO activities will occur before […]