PreACT Test for 10th Graders

On November 8, 2018 the PreACT Assessment will be administered to students who are in 10th grade. ALL sophomores are expected to take the PreACT. The PreACT will give students an opportunity to take a practice version of the ACT that all students will take in April of their 11th grade year. There will be […]

NCAA College Bound Informational Meetings

Guest speaker, Laure Ragoss, Associate Director of Compliance with the University of Nebraska will be speaking to student/athletes and their parents about recruiting and NCAA initial eligibility for college athletics.  Three presentations will be offered where you can attend and find out what your student can do now to ensure their college athletic eligibility. All […]

Seniors Have You Ordered Your Cap & Gown?

You can view all graduation products and place your order online at or download the order form and mail it directly to Lincoln Graduation.  Deadline to place orders before prices go up is February 1, 2019. Caps and gowns are typically delivered to the school 1-2 weeks prior to commencement. Questions call Lincoln Graduation […]

Graduation Announcements and Cap & Gown Ordering

Seniors can easily order their announcements and cap and gown online at  A representative from Lincoln Graduation will be here on Monday, October 8th and Tuesday, October 9th from 7:30-9:15 a.m. in the senior hallway to answer any questions you may have about the ordering process. For questions call Lincoln Graduation at 402-937-0812.

Reading Graduation Demonstration Exam (RGDE)

Students in grade 9,10,11, and 12 who have NOT met the reading graduation requirement will take the Reading Graduation Demonstration Exam (RGDE) the morning of Thursday, September 27th, 2018.  This will be a LATE START day to accommodate for the testing. Students who have ALREADY met this graduation requirement will need to arrive on September […]

Did You Miss Your Senior Meeting?

Did you miss your senior meeting? If so, pick one of the sessions below and just SHOW UP! All sessions will meet in the Media Center South Table area and will last 20 minutes. SEE YOU SOON!! September 12-Period 2 Starts: 8:55 Ends: 9:15

TCA Career Exploration Fair 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018 1:00-3:00 p.m. at TCA 8800 O Street The Career Academy (TCA) is hosting a Career Explorations Fair for 9-12 graders and parents to learn more about top career options and how students might plan their high school course selections.  Experience the hands-on learning available at TCA and how to “test drive” your future as […]

Senior Meetings: September 5th and 7th

Counselors will be meeting with seniors for 20 minute sessions to share important information regarding FAFSA, College Admissions, Career Connections, and Scholarship Search. Seniors are assigned to locations by their last names and will receive a reminder note before the period before their session begins. Each senior will meet with his/her alpha counselor using the […]

Procedures for Making a Schedule Change

On July 25th, Students/Parents will be able to view their official schedule online in StudentVue/ParentVue, on the Class Schedule tab. Schedules will not be mailed this year as in previous years. Information regarding Procedures for Making a Schedule Change are outlined in a letter that students will receive before July 25th. On the 25th of […]