AP Test Registration

You can register online or paper copy. Payment must be made to Melanie Hansel in the main office by March 1st!   See your AP teacher or Ms. Harder with any questions. East AP Test Informational Page

Registration Questions?  Come During Lunch Hub!

On Monday, February 18 and Wednesday, February 20 students can go to room 122 during the LAST FIFTEEN MINUTES of their lunch  and meet with counselors to ask questions regarding their 2019-20 registration.

Juniors and Sophomores

Did you miss your registration session? No worries, come to one of two make-up sessions Tuesday, February 5th during 7th period Location: Media Center–South Tables Friday, February 8th during 4th period Location: Media Center–South Tables Arts & Humanities or Science Focus/Zoo School Students Make-up Session: Tuesday, February 5th during 2nd period Location: Media Center–South Tables Registration Questions? […]

TCA Information Sessions

Current 10th & 11th graders are reminded that NOW is the time to complete TCA’s online application to “do high school differently” in one of 15 career pathways!. Students and their parents are invited to find out more information about being a TCA student next fall by attending one of TCA’s Info Sessions. The information […]

Order Before Cap and Gown Prices Go Up

Seniors should order their cap and gown before February 1st! After the 1st an addition late fee of $15.00 will be added to your cap order. Seniors will pick up their cap and gowns after commencement rehearsal which will be on Friday, May 17, 2019. To check to see if you ordered your cap and […]

Graduation Information for Parents/Guardians

The Senior letter from our East High Administrative Team has been uploaded to the EHS website. It contains end-of-the-year activities, commencement information and expectations. For your planning purposes please read it  carefully and call the main office at 402-436-1302, option #2 if you have any questions. Open up the Senior letter at https://ehs.lps.org/detail.html?id=11811  

TCA Career Explorations Fair

Sunday, February 10 1-3:00 PM The Career Academy (TCA) is hosting a Career Explorations Fair for 9th, 10th & 11th graders and their parents to learn more about top career options.  It’s never too early to start thinking about career choices for students.  The Career Academy offers 11th & 12th graders experiences in hands-on learning […]

Cap and Gown Ordering

Seniors have you ordered your cap & gown? Winter Break is a good time to get that done and out of the way. Don’t remember if you ordered it or not, call Lincoln Graduation and they would be happy to help you. You can view all graduation products and place your order online or download […]

2019 Graduation List

The 2019 Graduation List is posted on the Counseling Center window. Seniors, please CHECK your name for correct spelling of your complete legal first, middle & last name as listed on your birth certificate. If you want to make any corrections, please see Ms. Hare, our registrar in the Counseling Center. Deadline for corrections is […]

TCA’s Visit Day

 TCA Visit Day will be held Tuesday, November 13 in the afternoon for students interested in attending TCA next school year.  Register for this event on TCA’s website at http://wp.lps.org/tca/  to reserve your space.  Don’t forget to pick up a TCA Bus Schedule in your friendly Counseling Center to learn of bus pick up times and […]