Need a Tutor to Help You Study for Finals? See Below!
National Honor Society Finals Tutoring Tuesdays 2:15- 3PM Room 130E –Work on Creating Study Guides –Answering Questions –General Help in a Subject Sign up in the Counseling Center!
PreACT for All Sophomores
On November 7, 2019 the Pre-ACT assessment will be administered to students who are in 10th grade. ALL sophomores are expected to take the Pre-ACT. The Pre-ACT will give students an opportunity to take a practice version of the ACT that all students will take in April of their 11th grade year. There will be no school […]
Frustrated? Get a Tutor
National Honor Society students offer tutoring after school during Tuesday PLC’s in room 130E. Students looking for some extra help must sign-up in their google classroom or on the Counseling Center kiosk by 4PM every MONDAY.
Cap and Gowns/Announcements
Seniors order your cap and gowns or graduation announcements at Have questions about ordering? A representative from Lincoln Graduation will be here on October 22 and 23 from 7:30-9:00 AM in the commons area. Deadline to order before prices go up is February 1, 2020.
Senior Graduation Announcements and Caps & Gown Orders
Graduation announcements and caps & gowns are ordered directly online at A representative from Lincoln Graduation will be here on October 22nd and 23rd from 7:30-9:00 AM to answer any questions you may have about ordering or the products they carry. Deadline to order is February 1st, 2020, after February 1st an additional $15.00 […]
Career Exploration Fair
Sunday, September 22 1-3:00 PM The Career Academy (TCA) is hosting a Career Explorations Fair for 8th-12th graders and their parents to learn more about top career options when you graduate high school. Experience the hands-on learning available at TCA and how to “test drive” your future as a TCA student in one of 20 […]
National Honor Society Tutoring
Are you needing extra help in school? What about preparing for an AP test or the ACT? Sign up for NHS tutoring on the Counseling Center kiosk or in your google classroom. One-on-One tutoring will be every Tuesday from 2:15-3:15 p.m. during PLC time in room 130E. AP help sessions will meet once a month […]
Requesting a Transcript
East students can now request transcripts online. You can access the online transcript form by being in your google classroom, using the Counseling Center kiosk, or by entering jump code YZOW in keyword search. If you have any questions please contact the registrar Ms. Kelley.
Important Reminder About Class Schedules for 2019-2020
Schedules will not be ready to view until late July, there will be mailings and messages that come out about when to view and how to make an appointment if a change is needed. Counselors are not on duty over the summer so please reserve your requests and questions for the start of the year […]
Summer School Registration–Last Day is May 15th
The LAST day to turn in summer school registration is WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 @ 3:00 PM. If you need to get signed up, come see your counselor ASAP as all forms require parent signature. We cannot take any forms after 3:00 PM on Wednesday. Late registration is on May 28: 12:30-3 and May 29, 30: […]