
East High Profile

The profile provides a summary of information about our community, the school’s student body, curricular offerings, and grading system.

LPS Course Guide

The LPS course guide allows students to browse the courses available at Lincoln Public Schools middle and high schools.

2025-26 East High Planning Guide

The Planning Guide includes courses and programs offered, graduation requirements and other information that will help you get the most out of your high school years.

Dual Credit Opportunities

Grades and Grading

Grade reports are issued at the end of each nine-week period.  The nine-week grades are primarily for information and are not recorded as part of the permanent record. Grades for quarter classes are final grades. Grades indicate the student’s standing at the time of the report.  Final semester grades are recorded on the permanent record.

Letter GradeNon-WeightedWeightedGradeCode
D1.0 Passing1.0  
F0.0 Failing0.0  

District-wide Grading Scale

Letter GradePercentage
F59 or below

Academic Supports

There are times where we all need help.  Here are some ways that any student can receive help at Lincoln East High School.

  1. Communicate with your teacher to schedule a help session before or after school.
  2. Utilize the Learning Hubs during lunch.  EVERY department has a hub location.  This is a great way to get help during the school day.
  3. Academic Hour after school from 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
    1. Math Support – Room 108 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
    2. All Other Subjects – Media Center on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory (Pass/Fail Option)

The mark of S (satisfactory) and U (unsatisfactory) may be used instead of the usual four-point scale under the following conditions:

Secondary students may elect to have part of their work evaluated with a mark of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) as follows:

  1. Requests for S/U marks which are approved in writing by the student’s counselor and parent and which are filed in the school office by the beginning of the 12th week of the semester shall be honored.
  2. Many colleges and universities do not accept credits marked satisfactory.
  3. Requests for marks to be reversed from S/U to A-F shall be honored anytime during the current grading period.
  4. Courses taken for marks of S and U shall not be included when computing honor roll or class rank.
  5. Each individual shall be limited to elect an S/U mark for ten credit points of course work in any one semester and to thirty credit points of course work in grades nine through twelve.

Questions: Ask your counselor     Pass/Fail Form

2024-25 Pass-Fail Deadlines:
1st Quarter   September 13, 2024
1st SemesterOctober 25, 2024
2nd QuarterNovember 15, 2024
3rd QuarterFebruary 7, 2024
2nd SemesterMarch 28, 2024
4th QuarterApril 17, 2024

Withdrawing from a Class

A student may withdraw from a semester or quarter class during weeks 1-3 without record. If a student withdraws during weeks 4-11 of a semester class (4-5 in a quarter class), a ‘W” will be placed on the student’s record. If a student withdraws during weeks 12-18 of a semester class (6-9 in a quarter class), an “F” will be placed on the student’s record unless approval is granted for either a “W” or an “INC” to be placed on the student’s record. Approval is granted by the principal or his designee.

2024-25 Withdrawing from a Class Deadlines:

1st Semester

1st Quarter classes between Sept. 3 & Sept. 13 will result in a “W”. After Sept. 13 will result in an “F”.
1st Semester classes between Sept. 3 & Oct. 25 will result in a “W”. After Oct. 25 will result in an “F”.
2nd Quarter classes between Nov. 4 & Nov. 15 will result in a “W”. After Nov. 15 will result in an “F”.

2nd Semester

3rd Quarter classes between Jan. 27 & Feb. 7 will result in a “W”. After Feb. 7 will result in an “F”.
2nd Semester classes between Jan. 27 & Mar. 28 will result in a “W”.  After Mar. 28 will result in an “F”. 
4th Quarter classes between Apr. 7 & Apr. 17 will result in a “W”. After Apr. 17 will result in an “F”.

Incomplete Contract

When a student and teacher are in agreement that a course, which has not been completed during a regular term, can be successfully completed during an extended time frame, an Incomplete Contract can be developed.  This contract must include the work to be completed, the level of mastery that is acceptable, and a date by which the incomplete is to be finished.  Failure to fulfill any of the above portions of the contract will result in an “F” grade for the course.

Repeating a Class

If you retake a class either due to failure or to raise the grade you need to pick up a Request to Repeat a Class Form from our registrar’s office prior to taking the class in order to replace the old grade on your permanent record.  Reminder: The course that is retaken must be the same as the original course.

Honor Roll

Honor Roll is based on semester grades.  Students must be registered for a minimum of 25 graded credit hours with a 3.5 weighted grade-point-average excluding courses graded pass/fail, work-study and assistant assignments for which credit is earned, and correspondence courses.

Honor Roll:
Students with a 3.5 to 3.749 weighted semester GPA (H)

Honor Roll with Distinction:
Students with a weighted semester GPA of 3.750 to 3.999 (H+)

Honor Roll with High Distinction:
Students with a weighted semester GPA of 4.000 to 4.249 (H++)

Honor Roll with Highest Distinction:
Students with a weighted semester GPA of 4.250 and above (H+++)

Academic Letter Standard

To be eligible for an Academic Letter a student must have earned a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or above (weighted grades) for two consecutive semesters while being enrolled in a minimum of 25 credit hours of graded course work.  First-time recipients receive a chenille letter and recipients of a second academic letter receive an academic pin.

Graduation Honors

Beginning with the class of 2021, the Laude Latin model was adopted to recognize academic excellence at the conclusion of a student’s high school career. Students work to compete against the criterion for academic honors – rather than other students. The following three levels of academic honors will be used:

  1. SUMMA CUM LAUDE – “with highest distinction”: Students with cumulative GPA of 4.250 and above on a 4.00 weighted scale.
  2. MAGNA CUM LAUDE – “with great distinction”: Students with cumulative GPA of 4.000 to 4.249 on a 4.00 weighted scale.
  3. CUM LAUDE – “with distinction”: Students with cumulative GPA of 3.750 to 3.999 on a 4.000 weighted scale.
    S=Satisfactory (Credit earned)
    U=Unsatisfactory (Credit withheld)
    Grades of S and U are not included in GPA calculations.