Code Crush at University of Nebraska – Omaha

Code Crush is an immCodeCrushersion experience for 8th and 9th grade girls and their mentoring teachers created to show them the world of IT. For three days and four nights, February 24-27, the UNO College of Information Science and Technology will inspire girls and their teachers to take a deeper look at IT through hands-on experiences with emerging IT fields such as bioinformatics, IT innovation, music technology and cybersecurity.

Who is eligible?
8th and 9th grade girls from the Midwest who are interested in the future of IT. Eligible students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be in either 8th or 9th grade at the beginning of the 2015 school year
  • Obtain parental/guardian consent for participation
  • Have a weighted GPA of 3.25 or higher (3.00 unweighted GPA or higher) OR be ranked in the top 20% of their class
  • Be able to provide their own reliable transportation to UNO
  • Have a mentoring teacher able to attend the experience along with the student (Does not need to be a technology teacher, but can showcase an interest in supporting Computer Science education at their school. Does not need to be a female teacher.)

What does it cost?
Nothing! Meals, transportation around Omaha, lodging – it’s all free. Mentoring teacher will receive a $500 stipend.

There is only 30 spots for students and teachers. Deadline to apply is December 4, 2015. For more information on how to apply go to