On Tuesday, April 8th, all students who are current juniors at East High will be taking the ACT exam as part of state testing. The test will begin at 8 a.m. All juniors should report to the building no later than 7:45 a.m. The anticipated time for standard time test completion is approximately 12:30 p.m.. For students with extended timing, the test should be completed around 2:45 p.m.
There will be no school for students in the 9th, 10th, or 12th grades on Tuesday, April 8th due to staff being involved in test administration duties. Regular classes will resume on Wednesday for all students.
What Juniors Need to Bring:
- A Photo ID (school-issued OR state-issued)
- Sharpened No. 2 Pencils (not mechanical pencils)
- ACT Approved Calculator (go to www.actstudent.org and search the word “calculator” for a complete listing of approved calculators)
- Drink and/or snacks (optional)
What Juniors Should NOT Bring:
- Backpacks, bags, purses
- Electronic Devices of any kind are NOT permitted, even at the break. A student who chooses to bring a cell phone or Smart Watch will be required to check in the device before testing. Any student seen using an electronic device, even during a break, will be asked to leave. This includes cell phones, smart watches, etc.
Important Notes:
-Any cell phone that goes off during the test is considered a disruption to the testing environment, and will result in the owner being asked to leave.
-Students are allowed to bring a snack and/or drink to have during their supervised break. These are kept in a designated location in the testing room until the break.
-Attendance for this test is extremely important. Students who miss the test will be called out of classes to make-up the test later that work or early the next week.
ACT Pre-Bubbling Inventory
Prior to the test, juniors will receive a document outlining online ACT information for a website called MyACT. Students will need to register for the website, which will be where their scores appear as soon as their test has been scored. They will also be able to fill out optional information to send their ACT scores to up to four colleges/universities for free, rather than pay the fee that is usually associated. Information about MyACT will be sent prior to the test.
Please email Beth Staswick at bstaswic@lps.org with any questions or concerns.