2018 Summer School Dates

East students may register for summer school in the East High Counseling Center on the following dates:

Week of April 23:       Current LPS Seniors Only
Week of April 30:       Current LPS Seniors & Juniors Only
Week of May 7:           Current 9-12 LPS Students

  • NO registrations will be accepted after May 16 at East.
  • Late/Open registration will be May 29, 30 and 31 at North Star High School from 1-3:00 PM.

To Register for Summer School:

You don’t need to make an appointment on the Kiosk, summer school registration will be done on a walk-in basis—Come to the counseling center and WAIT to see your counselor. Make sure you come during the week your grade level is permitted to sign up. All registration forms require parent signature and payment at the time of registration.

Registration is a 2-Step Process:

1. Come see your counselor, select courses and get paperwork
2. Take paperwork home, get signed by parent, return paperwork to Mrs. Hansel in the main office for payment and finalization.

**If you would like to consult with your counselor prior to registration, make an appointment as usual via the Kiosk request system.

Summer Classes begin May 30 for all 6 week courses, including eLearning at all sites. All students taking 6 week courses at any site must be present on the first day of classes or they will be dropped from summer school.  Session 2 health students need to attend the first day of Session 2 or they will be dropped.

Health classes run 3 weeks either at North Star High School (in the classroom) or at East High School for eLearning only.

Health Session 1:  May 30-June 20
Health Session 2:  June 21-July 11