On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, all 11th grade students will take the ACT test, a college entrance exam. This year the test is part of State testing for accountability purposes.
To help students prepare for the test, the Nebraska Department of Education contracted with ACT to provide access to the ACT Online Prep. The ACT Online Prep is the only online program designed exclusively by ACT, featuring real questions from previous tests.
Usually students have to pay to access this program but 11th grade students have free access this year. In addition to the quality instruction students receive in class, this tool will give students additional opportunities to practice and monitor progress towards ACT benchmarks and College and Career Ready preparedness.
To gain access to the system, 11th grade students should use the link and login information below.
URL: https://onlineprep.act.org/
Jump code: P9BC
Username: LPSemail (######@class.lps.org)
Password: lpsstudent (all lower case)
At East High we will be holding introductory sessions to AOP for students to become familiar with the site and have time to explore. We will also offer sessions during PLC and after school for students to access AOP – these sessions will happen closer to the testing date.
If you have any questions, please call the East High main office at 402-436-1302, opt #2.