Start Strong, Strong Finish

UNL High School TutorialThe University of Nebraska High School is proud to announce the Start Strong, Strong Finish online resource of 15 video tutorials to help student-athletes understand the academic eligibility requirements of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Athletes weight train, condition, practice and compete in order to be the best in their sport. To participate in athletics at the collegiate level they must apply this same dedication to the classroom from the start in ninth grade through the finish of their senior year.

Hear from UNHS principal Hugh McDermott, academic advisers Debby Bartz and Ray Henning, and some of our very own student-athletes throughout the video tutorials to learn:

  • Details about each of the four main requirements—graduate, core course completion, GPA and entrance exams
  • Specifics for what students should do during each grade
  • Particulars for Division I vs. Division II
  • Possible outcomes
  • Important tips for international and online students

View these online videos at