Susan T. Buffett Scholarship Workshop

ApplicationsAttention Seniors! Are you planning to apply for the Susan T. Buffett Scholarship? This is a renewable scholarship that can be used at a 2 or 4-year public college/university in Nebraska. It’s an excellent scholarship, but has a lengthy application. Ms. Petersen is holding a workshop to help you get started and give advice on improving your application. The workshop will be held on Thursday, December 10th during 3rd period in room 152. Space is limited, so please sign up in the Counseling Center.

To be considered for a scholarship from The Susan T. Buffett Foundation, a student must:

  • Be a resident of Nebraska
  • Graduate from a Nebraska high school or earn a Nebraska GED
  • Achieve at least a 2.5 cumulative unweighted GPA in high school
    2.5 on a 4 point scale
    80 on a 100 point scale
  • Be a first-time freshman when entering college
  • Students obtaining dual enrollment credits in high school are still eligible to apply
  • Plan to attend any of the following Nebraska public institutions:
    Nebraska Community Colleges – Central, Metropolitan, Mid-Plains, Northeast, Southeast, or Western Nebraska;
    Nebraska State College System – Chadron State, Peru State, Wayne State; or
    University of Nebraska – NCTA, UNK, UNL, UNMC, or UNO
  • Be in need of financial assistance in order to attend school
    Note: Students do not need to be Pell Grant eligible to qualify
    Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) below $15,000 are encouraged to apply.
    To calculate your EFC, use the College Funding Estimator

Student Selection

  • All eligible applications are reviewed and scored
  • Awards are determined on the following criteria:
    Financial need
    Academic merit
    Personal essay
    Strength of recommendations
  • Every applicant who completes an application will receive a decision notification via email by May 1st